Girlfriend Fearlessly Walks Into Flames To Save BF; Harsh Messages Mock The Dead

On 13th February, Raybe Oh Siew Hui was badly burned after attempting to save her boyfriend and friends from a burning BMW.

Jonathan Long, the driver of the BMW, and his friends were taking a joyride in Long’s newly bought, second-hand car. According to the residents, the white BMW circled the area a few times before losing control and crashing into a shophouse and bursting into flames.

Source: AsiaOne

Recently, new footage of the crash was released. The footage was obtained from a nearby CCTV and shows the speeding BMW losing control before crashing into a shophouse. After about 15 seconds, the car went up in flames. 20 seconds later, another car pulled up and a man in a black shirt got out. He and Raybe Oh, who came running in on screen, hurried to help those still trapped in the burning car.

The man, upon seeing the car in flames, ran to the shops. Oh however, did not hesitate to walk into the flames. According to a friend, her intention was to try to open the car door and hopefully save those inside. Another girl appeared on screen, seemingly unsure about what do do. She finally headed towards another shophouse area. Meanwhile, Oh could be seen walking away from the crash in the background, her entire body on fire.

The man helped Oh put out the fire on her but left her to deal with the remaining flames by herself when a passerby showed up to help. Eventually, their friends gathered and someone helped Oh put out the fire fully. The friends were clearly distraught by the accident.

Netizens had plenty to comment. Many were of the opinion that those in the car should not have been speeding in the first place. Some stated they were drunk, hence the speeding. Most comments were just grateful no one else got hurt in the accident.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

A lot of netizens were horrified that no one had bothered to help Oh put out the flames fully, claiming that was why she endured 80% of her body being burned. A few mocked the friends for not helping more. One comment in particular scolded the friends, saying they should have “helped the one that is still alive” instead of becoming hysterical “for the five whom are definitely presumably dead in the car already”.

Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube
Source: YouTube

Huimin, who was friends with one of the deceased, revealed that she and other friends were receiving malicious messages about the accident. Apparently, some comments bluntly claimed the accident was “self-inflicted” and “deserved”. Huimin stated that they have already lost their friends, and the harsh messages were only inflicting more pain on the families and friends of the five deceased.

We continue to pray for Raybe Oh and the families of those involved in the accident. May they be able to grieve for those they lost in peace.

Sources: China Press, Mothership, YouTube, Facebook

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