Justice League Snyder Cut: 10 New Footages We’re Excited About

It’s almost been a year since the Snyder Cut was announced, and now we’re slowly approaching the “Justice League” cut making its way to HBO Max. Fans can finally enjoy the official full trailer after the long wait. This one is filled with never before seen footages of the original movie.

Zack Snyder clearly had his own vision of the 2017 film but was unfortunately cut off during the writing process. Furthermore, certain shots had to be redone under the helm of Joss Whedon. But in the Snyder Cut, we get to fully experience Snyder’s full-on version of the film itself, maybe with an extra pinch of violence as the original film was deemed controversial because of the explicit scenes themselves.

With the new full trailer officially out, here is what we can expect based on the trailer:

1. Superman’s Death in “Batman V Superman”
Source: Den of Geek

Superman’s cries shook the earth to the point where the bell was rung for Darkseid and Steppenwolf. There was a line in the original trailer that signified the absence of Lanterns and Kryptonians. After the first invasion failed, Darkseid and Steppenwolf had been biding their time until the protectors of Earth were worn off, so the bell rung by Superman’s cries was a signal for Darkseid and Steppenwolf to begin their move. 

2. Hippolyta in Themyscira  

There was a shot in the Snyder cut trailer focusing on Themyscira. Hippolyta was seen gazing into the ocean while on the edge of a cliff, followed by a building that housed the Amazon Mother Box collapsing into the sea. This probably takes place after the Amazon battle with Steppenwolf. During this time, the villain plans to retrieve the Box and escape.

3. Batman reaching out to the Joker in the Knightmare timeline

The trailer then cuts to the Knightmare timeline, where Batman is believed to be hunting down the Joker. The two do meet and the trailer contains several points from the Knightmare timeline witnessed in parts of “Batman V Superman”. Based on the leaks of the Snyder Cut, it teases that the League failed at stopping the invasion commenced by Darkseid. After Lois perished, a defeated Superman succumbed to his power. The purpose of the Knightmare is to show the implications of Superman’s failures and how he is significant not only as a superhero battling bad guys but also as a symbolic icon.

4. Cyborg in an upgraded form
Source: Den of Geek

Cyborg looks fresher than ever with more upgrades, including a bazooka implanted on his armoured shoulder. He clearly needed some power-ups as well as ensuring that he can modify his suit. As seen in the “Justice League” storyboard, the Flash was seen carrying Cyborg’s torso which had been damaged and broken. Attempting to hunt down Joker might not go so well. At the end of the trailer, we can see the robotic human behind Batman, so the storyboard might come to light in the Snyder Cut release. We shall see if that’s the case.

5. Diana in an underground cave
Source: Den of Geek

We also get to witness Diana wielding a torch in what seems to be an underground cave. This is the location where she discovers the Darkseid legend that seemingly takes place at the end, after encountering him through a boom tube.

Being the historian of the League, it makes sense for Diana to look into these things. In this part of the trailer, viewers can point out three Motherboxes behind Wonder Woman, which is a place that chronicles Darkseid. It could also be a church of worship for the villain himself.

6. Wonder Woman’s failed attempt in stopping the museum detonation
Source: Den of Geek

A brief shot of Diana failing to prevent a detonation in the museum is indeed different from what the original version had to offer. In the original version, the kids were fortunate enough to be saved, but another detonation went off which made the Amazonian warrior doubt herself even more. Bruce Wayne tries to reassure Diana that she is still a hero and that mistakes do happen, which helps develop her character. This cut might indicate a darker route than the original version.

7. Victor wishing to be human again
Source: Den of Geek

We also see a shot of Victor Stone raising his arms. This all occurs in a simulation process. Right after the death of his father, Victor sees both his parents and wishes to become human again. Unfortunately, his mechanical body makes this impossible. Victor will have more character development in the Snyder Cut as he accepts the actions of his father turning him into Cyborg.

8. Barry Allen rescuing Iris
Source: Den of Geek

Barry Allen was also seen rescuing Iris out of a crushing car. Looking very closely at the shot, he is seen with no shoes on at all. If he were to wear them, then his shoes would be worn off and damaged. Because of this, Barry had to develop his suit that could handle more friction. This whole clip in the trailer of Barry saving Iris is a setup of his development as a newfound hero, the Flash.

9. Frank Miller’s Batmobile
Source: Den of Geek

We finally get a glimpse of Frank Miller’s Batmobile in the trailer. We may not be sure what happens here, but it could be when Batman travels to defeat Steppenwolf. Speculations suggest that this would take place in the Knightmare scene. Snyder did mention that this was actually in the Batcave and that a cavern would open up and show the Batmobile and Batman’s armory. There is also a smaller-sized Batmobile that is able to fit inside of Miller’s Batmobile.

10. Superman blasting Steppenwolf with a Boomtube behind him
Source: Den of Geek

Finally, Superman appears in a shot where he is blasting Steppenwolf. Behind Superman, it looks like a Boom Tube, which could be the moment the villain has his head chopped off. The League might actually see Steppenwolf through the Boom Tube, hinting at Steppenwolf appearing at this point with Diana setting herself up for an investigation on the infamous villain.

The post Justice League Snyder Cut: 10 New Footages We’re Excited About appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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