Due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as many other climatic and political issues, the past year has been an extremely tough one for people all over the world. In simple terms, all of us are ‘done’ with 2020. However, just like how every cloud has a silver lining, this adorable creature from South America will surely make you feel a tad bit better.
Recently, a Twitter user named @goblinkoenig shared some pics of a South American rodent called ‘viscacha’. The post went viral instantly, gaining over 300k likes and 66k retweets. Also identified by the scientific name Lagidium viscacia, these creatures literally appear like an embodiment of all the painful emotions we’ve been dealing with for the past year. Just take a look at how relatable their facial expression is!




The appearance of these rodents can be explained as a mix of a rabbit and a chinchilla. Thanks to mouth corners that are droopy in an adorable way, and eyes that are closed most of the time, southern viscachas always looks tired, sleepy, uninterested, and disappointed. Aren’t they a whole mood?




The southern viscacha is a colonial animal, and they usually reside in rocky mountains, in small groups. They are native to western Argentina, western and central Bolivia, northern and central Chile, and southern Peru. These creatures do not hibernate and are mostly active at dawn and evening. During this time, they come out of their hiding places and feed on available plant materials such as grasses, moss, and even lichens. Southern viscachas also spend some amount of their time sunbathing, grooming, or resting, while being perched on a rock, and they communicate with each other using a number of unique calls.





These creatures start breeding in the last quarter of the year, and their gestation period is about 130 days. Southern viscachas are locally abundant, so they don’t face any threats of extinction. However, they do suffer due to adverse weather conditions and are hunted for their flesh and fur.
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