Cyclists Are Still Breaking Rules On Saloma Link Bridge

Cycling has become quite a popular sport in Malaysia. It’s an enjoyable activity regardless if you’re doing it alone or in groups.

Kuala Lumpur has become a hotspot for cyclists. One of the few main attractions is the Saloma Link Bridge that connects Jalan Saloma with Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) and Kampung Baru.

Source: Nocturnal

But, despite the rising popularity of the sport, netizens are complaining about the cyclists’ attitudes on disobeying the rules set by the government and the Local Authority (PBT). There were also complaints about cyclists breaking rules on the Saloma Link Bridge.

Facebook user Rizal Hakimm shared photos on his social media site providing a glimpse of irresponsible cyclists violating rules on the bridge and netizens were outraged. Moreover, a sign was placed as a reminder to prohibit cycling in the area. Unfortunately, no one seems to care.

Source: Facebook

The photos show cyclists riding their bicycles on the bridge despite being crowded with many people. This can be very dangerous as incidents have happened before due to their ignorant attitude.

Back on 22nd November 2020, Kampong Bharu Development Corporation tweeted on its official Twitter page that cycling activities at the Saloma Link can endanger the lives of pedestrians. To ensure safety of pedestrians, cyclists are only allowed to push their bicycles when passing through the area.

The Malaysian government had set a fine of RM1,000 and imprisonment for any cyclist who refused to follow the rules.

Source: Twitter

Netizens took to social media to express their anger and frustration with these irresponsible cyclists:

  • “It’s because of them that everyone who looks down on all cyclists. I hope these cycling folks get caught and punished”.
  • “People like this deserve the 10k (RM10,000) fine. They probably have a lot of money and the bicycles are expensive. Yet, they still break the rules”.
  • “This is not the mistake of the citizens but the school syllabus. There is no use teaching moral in theory (as)… everyone ends up just memorising (to score in) the subject…”

Sources: Facebook, Twitter.

The post Cyclists Are Still Breaking Rules On Saloma Link Bridge appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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