‘Hangry’ Men Attack Restaurant With Tables & Chairs

Being ‘hangry’ (hungry and angry) is not an excuse to lose control.

These Indian men lost their temper with a local restaurant after being denied food. In all fairness, the restaurant was about to close.

Source: Facebook

On the 28th, a group of Indian men went to an eatery located at Jalan Tun Sambathan, Brickfields. According to a witness, they arrived at 9.30pm. The restaurant denied their request for food as they were preparing to close, following the current MCO SOPs. This angered the group and a fight erupted.

A video was taken of the incident, showing men flinging tables and chairs with wild abandon. The group was also shown arguing with an employee of the restaurant. According to Harian Metro, the incident occurred due to the group’s dissatisfaction of not being able to order their food.

Source: Facebook

Netizens found the situation funny as many quipped about being understanding of their ‘hanger’.

Source: Facebook

Several netizens jokingly predicted a change in the SOPs thanks to the incident.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

What’s your biggest incident when you were ‘hangry’?

Sources: Harian Metro, Facebook

The post ‘Hangry’ Men Attack Restaurant With Tables & Chairs appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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