Interview: Hu Yi Tian Talks About His Future Plans After Starring In “Go Go Squid 2”

Hu Yi Tian (胡一天) is one busy man. In addition to “Unrequited Love” (暗戀·橘生淮南) and “Go Go Squid 2: Dt. Appledog’s Time” (我的时代,你的时代), the 27-year-old actor has at least 4 upcoming projects where he’s also starring in the lead role.

In this interview (courtesy of iQiyi International), Hu Yi Tian talks about the chemistry between his character Wu Bai (aka DT) and Ai Qing (aka Appledog), an interesting fun fact about costar Li Yi Tong (李一桐), and his future plans.

Source: Weibo

1. In this season of “Go Go Squid” (亲爱的), what kind of character development did Wu Bai (艾情) experience?

Wu Bai has gone from a person who has no idea about robot fighting competitions to a dark horse that everyone admires. He meets the girl he wants to chase and becomes a great master in the industry, succeeding in both his career and love.

2. The show includes many romantic scenes of Wu Bai and Ai Qing (艾情) in the drama. Was it awkward to utter any of those lines?

Since Wu Bai is not a domineering or thick-skinned character, his lines are not too cringe-worthy, so that’s still okay. The scenes with the most outtakes would have to be when they had their first breakfast date. Since it was the first day of shooting, it took more time for us to build chemistry for that scene.

Hu Yi Tian
Source: iQiyi

3. What is the most romantic part of this show? Are the characters very romantic?

Wu Bai is not a person who is a natural romantic. But his actions seem romantic because he likes the girl enough. Wu Bai knows he has to go abroad and can’t accompany Ai Qing. So he draws “Don’t forget me!” on Ai Qing’s wall many times, hoping she won’t forget him.

4. Which of the character’s traits corresponds to you in real life?

Perseverance. He will work hard when he sets his mind on one thing.

5. How did you cultivate your chemistry with Li Yi Tong (李一桐) before filming? What was your first impression of her?

We built our chemistry progressively throughout the whole shoot. I felt that she was small-built, clever, and loveable. Interestingly, she really eats a lot. Since the actors live in the same hotel, each time I went back, I’d see a package of take-out at the door of her room.

Hu Yi Tian
Source: iQiyi

6. What was the biggest challenge for this project?

I don’t think it’s a challenge, but rather an attraction of the show. The challenge in the shooting is when we have to perform without seeing the real object. It’s about Competitive Robot Fighting. Most scenes are completed in post-production, and during the shoot, so we don’t see anything else.

7. Please tell us three reasons why people should go watch “Go Go Squid 2” even though the series has already ended.

It’s a sweet story. It’s a story of passion. It’s an inspirational story of two young people who work hard for their dreams. They attract and support each other in their relationship of both competition and cooperation. Also, they work together to win the world champion for China.

Source: Hotpot TV

8. You have worked in various school idol drams. Last year’s “My Roommate Is A Detective” (民国奇探) comes to mind. Have you thought of pivoting from playing in school dramas?

Yes. I’m getting older after all. Maybe some doesn’t fit well. I hope I can have opportunities to perform in more profound works about daily life.

10. Could you please share with us the coming working plans?

Continue my hard work. Remain grounded and do my best in every piece of work.

11. What do you want to say to your Malaysian fans?

Stay safe, and live like you mean it every day.

Source: CPOP Home

All 38 episodes of “Go Go Squid 2: Dt. Appledog’s Time” (我的时代,你的时代) are available on iQiyi platforms.

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