Interview: Won Jin Ah On Her Favourite Makeup Item & Chemistry With Rowoon In “She Would Never Know”

“She Would Never Know” (선배, 그 립스틱 바르지 마요) stars Won Jin Ah (원진아) and SF9’s Rowoon as romantic co-workers at a cosmetics brand called Klar. Won Jin Ah portrayed the perfectionist Yoon Song Ah, while her on-screen dashing younger colleague Chae Hyun Seung was played by Rowoon.

After spending 3 years in Europe for work, Yoon Song Ah returns to Korea only to realise that Chae Hyun Seung has a change of heart. The pair remain distant, leading audiences to speculate about their love life.

1. Could you share more about the character you play in “She Would Never Know”?

I play the role of Yoon Song Ah, who works at a cosmetics company as a professional brand marketer. She dreams of having her own cosmetics brand one day. 

2. How did you prepare for the role of a cosmetic brand marketer? Did you conduct any special research?

As I was unfamiliar with the role, I sought a lot of help during the preparation. I found quite a few Vlogs on YouTube that were made by beauty YouTubers and cosmetic brand marketers themselves. Also, the production crew thankfully arranged a meeting for me with current cosmetic brand marketers. They were more dignified and honest than I imagined, (which was) very impressive. They know what suits them, how to groom appropriately and how to express their individuality. In a sense, Song Ah would also have a mindset of being the face of KLAR, so I tend to be more attentive to the makeup, hairstyle and clothes that create who Song Ah is, hoping that every single detail can reflect the love and passion Song Ah has for her career well.

3. What do you find attractive about your role? Can you draw any similarities between yourself and your character? 

I think Song Ah’s strength is her ‘kindness’. She does not look down on or mistreat anyone. She is proud of her job, and will think and act independently without following the crowd, and all this makes her very cool. However, she still has many shortcomings in personal aspects such as relationships with family members and love. She will not sit idly by when she sees others being harmed, but she will choose to forbear and grit her teeth when she is harmed. Her charm is being a ‘strong but soft hearted’ character. She will handle everything perfectly and is a trustworthy person, but again, this personality draws sympathy and makes people want to comfort and embrace her.

What Song Ah and I have in common is that we both are ambitious and determined to do our work right. Song Ah even skipped work to be at the KLAR store, and I like to work nonstop.

4. What made you to accept the invitation to appear on She Would Never Know (Senior, dont put on that lipstick)?

At first, I was attracted to the eye-catching and provocative title. After reading the script, I felt empathy twice – once with the story that calmly and peacefully explains the emotions which many likely experience in reality, and once with how Song-Ah was overcoming hardships. I was attracted by the contrast between the title and the content. I felt that this kind of drama and this kind of role was the best opportunity for me, so I agreed to play it.

5. Would you share your impression of Rowoon and what it was like working with him? How would you rate the chemistry between you two?

I thought he might be a cheerful and positive person since he is very active in various fields. But when we were working together, I was surprised by his solemnity and cautiousness. He is a thoughtful person and very open-minded. On the other hand, he can be quite humorous. He often talks and laughs with the people around him, making the studio’s atmosphere very enjoyable. I felt a sense of responsibility as an actor from him.

The chemistry between two actors should be rated by the audience, so I’d prefer to rate how enjoyable it was to work with Ro Woon, and it’s 100 points out of 100 points!

6. Which is the most interesting and impressive scene in the drama that you would like to share with the audience?

I’d like to pick the first scene in the first episode, where Song-Ah and Hyun Sung were having a meeting. It clearly shows their relationship and kick-starts the drama. “To somebody’s credit, (Hyun Sung) is very remarkable, isn’t he?” “To Senior (Song Ah)’s credit.” These lines explain that they are in a senior-junior relationship at workplace. However, in the last scene of the first episode, when Hyun Sung wiped the unsuitable lipstick off Song-Ah’s lip, their relationship suddenly started to change. It was very impressive that the contrast between the opening and ending alone could demonstrate the story flow.

7. As the drama is based on a novel, people might have certain expectation of each character before the drama. Do you have any tips on making your depiction of the character shine through?

It’s not a character that I conceived by myself. Instead, I’d rather say it was created by the director, staff and actors together. We had discussions prior to shooting in order to balance all the characters, not just Song-Ah. As in the making-of-the-film, we always share ideas that bloom during filming freely. I’m grateful to director and staff for creating an open atmosphere where we could share opinions until we fully understood each other.

8. Rather than romantic comedy, it seems that this drama shows a more mature romance. What makes this love story special compared to others?

With Song-Ah and Hyun Sung sharing their stories and pain with each other, the simple senior-junior relationship at work between the two became an equal romantic relationship between a man and a woman. I find it very special. Also, I think audience will support the growing and developing relationship cultivated by love and finding their true ‘self’.

9. As a you play a cosmetic marketer in the show, are you good at makeup? What is your must-have item in your makeup pouch?

I prefer the “5-minute makeup” in real life, because I’m a bit unfamiliar with the procedure of applying cosmetics, and don’t like it when it takes too much time. I like to be simple. Haha. Even so, my must-have item is, as mentioned in the drama title, lipstick! Lip color is a key point. I have many lipsticks with similar colors. When I apply lipstick, I also apply it to my cheeks to act as a blusher.

10. Now that you wear masks when you enter and leave your house, how do you prevent the makeup from getting on your mask? How do you usually care for your skin?

I think giving up on makeup is better for your skin when you wear mask. Recently, I have intentionally not applied make up, which has the added benefit of shortening my preparation time. But after returning home, I would carefully clean my skin to allow it to breathe.

“She Would Never Know” is streaming on all iQiyi platforms.

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