Johor Islamic Religious Department: “Illi Najwa Saddique Has Never Left Islam”

Remember the Malaysian woman who made headlines over her marriage to the captain of the Indian hockey team, Manpreet Singh Pawar?

Just hours ago, Johor Mufti Dato’ Haji Yahya Ahmad presented the results of the investigation by the Johor Islamic Religious Department (JAINJ) on the marital and religious status of the individual in question, Illi Najwa Saddique, and her husband Manpreet to Johor Sultan, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. In this case, it was revealed that the Johor-born woman has never left Islam.

Source: FB

“JAINJ has called Illi Najwa along with her mother and several other witnesses, where statements were also taken. The result of the investigation found that Illi Najwa never left Islam. In fact, today, she (Illi Najwa) also came with us to meet His Majesty,” Dato’ Haji Yahya shared on a statement uploaded on the state Ruler’s official Facebook account.

He further added that a thorough investigation was conducted by JAINJ and it was found that Illi Najwa is still a Muslim. For the uninitiated, back in December, Sultan Ibrahim had called upon the religious department and also the Johor Mufti Department to investigate the current religious status of the woman who was reported to have been married to the Indian athlete.

“As the Head of the Islamic Religion of Johor, His Majesty is responsible for preserving the position of Islam so that it is always preserved and considered noble in line with Article 57 of the Johor Government Constitution 1895 and Article 3 of the Constitution. Dato ‘Haji Yahya said, the registration of the couple’s marriage in Johor Bahru is also currently being processed,” the Facebook post reads.

Source: FB

In concluding the post, Dato’ Haji Yahya assured everyone that the couple will not face any problems when registering their marriage. In fact, the issue has also been considered resolved.

Sources: Facebook, MMO.

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