Police officers have been fining regular Malaysian citizens left and right, especially for breaking Covid-19 protocols in the past couple of months. But get ready to see a recent turn of events.
The Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department, Integrity and Standard Compliance Department, and the Kedah IPK Special Branch gave Kedah Contingent Police Headquarters police officers a shock of their lives with a surprise inspection.

According to a post on Kedah Police’s official page, the surprise inspections carried out included personal documents inspections, vehicle inspections, and security passes (police officers and employees) inspections.
Based on the Kedah Police’s Facebook author in the comments section, the operation was taken after a dispute from netizens claiming that the police did not take action against their own members and staff.
Apparently, the Kedah Police Branch has sued several police officers, members, and civil servants for violating traffic laws. Such laws include the registration numbers not following specifications and the usage of fancy number plates.

Kedah Police Chief, Hasanuddin Hassan, carried out the operation to remind his fellow policemen to also follow and understand the laws just like everyone else.
He said that for officers riding motorcycles, they need to have a side mirror. Hasanuddin also mentioned that they need to abide by the laws regardless of their occupation.
Source: Free Malaysia Today.
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