The hunt is still on for Dato Sri Nicky Liow Soon Hee. However, police are also working to shut down his criminal empire.
On 20th March, the police launched an operation to clear out the base of the Winner Dynasty Group in Puchong. Although dozens of people were successfully arrested, Liow himself was not apprehended.

This was not the first time the base had been cleared out. On 1st January 2020, the Immigration Bureau raided the area and arrested 87 people. They were suspected to be related to the Winner Dynasty Group. The group apparently used money mules to open accounts for their illegal activities such as investment scams and online gambling.
The group would target Chinese investors and offer doubled high returns as bait to interest them in investing in real estate, health products, foreign exchange, WINCOIN and WINBITEX virtual currencies. The investments would be traded through WeChat and the funds would later be invested in virtual currency and online gambling. Then, they would launder the money using money exchange services, online gambling, and underground casinos. The police found that companies under the group all had a part in these fraudulent dealings.
The Winner Dynasty Group isn’t the only company involved in fraud and money laundering. It was discovered that there were five other companies which were associated with it. These companies were apparently established by Liow, 1 other Dato Sri and 6 Dato. The chairpersons of these companies are Liow’s brother and his associates.

On top of being wanted for being involved in money laundering and a commercial crime syndicate, Liow apparently also has involvement in international gangs and drug trafficking activities. Recently, a video of Liow meeting with triad leader Wan Kuok Koi, or Yin Guoju (Broken Tooth/崩牙駒) surfaced.
While he clearly has relations with the triad leader, they were only clarified now. Apparently, Liow was appointed to be the vice chairman of the World Hongmen History and Culture Association, which is supposedly a triad, on 4th January 2019. The appointment was made by Wan who is chairman of the association.

Other than Liow’s involvement in the group, the police have confirmed some identities of several prominent figures related to the group. These involve senior officials, officials of law enforcement agencies, and other celebrities.
According to China Press, the police will launch arrests in the near future once all identities have been confirmed.
Sources: China Press (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)
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