This Man Wears Skirts And Dresses To Prove That Clothes Have No Gender

At the present, society and social media have set the standard for many aspects of our lives, and clothes are no exception. Most people believe that even something as simple as clothes should be classified by gender in order to fit in with social norms and standards. However, there are always people who oppose these stereotypes and do things their own way. They have an open outlook towards life and express themselves freely regardless of society’s opinions and expectations.

Connor Keaney is a 26-year-old from Kings Norton, Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He believes that clothes have no gender and that it’s high time that we, as a society, should break down these outdated stereotypes, especially with respect to something as simple as clothing. He states that clothes are just simple materials that should be worn with no additionals labels.


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk

His Biggest Influences Are His Mom And Harry Styles

Keaney states that his inspirations to embrace such a freestyle comes from a variety of eras. His first influence is his mom, who introduced him to charity shops. The second is Harry Styles. Keaney says that Harry wearing dresses while being a straight male gives him all the confidence he needs. He further states that his last influence is a character from ‘the boy in the dress’ by David Williams and that he reads it every few months to help him.

Keaney had a very interesting story to share when asked about what made him realize that he was just as comfortable in “feminine” clothing too. To take a photo for his upcoming birthday, Keaney has tried out many ‘manly’ outfits. However, he didn’t feel cool and comfortable in any of them. After a lot of searching, he finally found a black midi skirt in a charity shop, which triggered an all-black outfit. Keaney states: “Wearing that, I have never felt so confident, beautiful, sassy, comfy, and cool, and I will never look back!”


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk

Keaney states that there are lots of social misconceptions about cross-dressing or gender-fluid individuals. He says that sometimes, men just enjoy wearing women’s clothes. Keaney continued: “I wear ‘women’s clothes because I appreciate fashion and it makes me feel comfortable”. He also revealed that he’s lucky to have a very supportive family and friends who accept him for who he is.

As Part Of The LGBTQ+ Community, Keaney Hopes To Empower People

For people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community, coming out can be very difficult. For people who are struggling with their identity at the moment, Keaney had some valuable advice.

Connor Keaney about lgbt community

Keaney says that his biggest secret to looking great is confidence. He states that the biggest compliment he gets online is that his confidence is beaming and sexy. He also says that he always tries to be environmentally friendly and sustainable when it comes to style. Around 80% of his wardrobe is recycled. His second favorite way to be environmentally friendly is bringing his used clothes to a swap shop, and his favorite swap shop is @miltonkeynesswapshop run by Lauren Shilly.


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk


Connor Keaney
Source – conjlk

Connor Keaney hopes that his way of expressing himself can help those who are struggling with their identity and insecurities. His efforts to break down gender stereotypes are truly commendable. So, check out his work and share your thoughts with us in the comments!

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