This Pet-Friendly Malaysian Starbucks Outlet Serves Drinks For Pets

Good news for pet owners in Malaysia. You can now visit a Starbucks outlet together with your pets for some drinks together!

Just recently, the owner of a Corgi named Sushi shared a cute video on Facebook of the dog happily drinking his own drink in Starbucks. This drink is called the “Puppuccino”, which is only served for pets and is available here in Malaysia.

Source: Facebook

Don’t worry! The Puppuccino is filled with sugar-free and low-fat whipped cream which is completely fine for your pets to drink. The whipped cream is also said to be cold together with a strong milky fragrant. Plus, it’s super cheap as it costs only RM7 for the drink.

However, Sushi’s owner did warn other pet owners that the whipped cream is very sweet. Therefore, this drink should be fed to pets once a while and not too often. You can currently find this Puppuccino drink at a Starbucks outlet in The Square by Jaya One. If you’re looking for places or spaces that are welcoming for pets, this is the place to go!

Source: Facebook
Source: Jaya One

That’s not all Jaya One has to offer. According to their website, The Square has 4 floors of pet-friendly zones. Out of those zones, include 6 pet-friendly restaurants that offer seatings for your pets, and now, you can finally dine together! If you want to find out which zones you can enter alongside your pet for a walk, do refer to the stickers on the floor.

Do keep in mind, that pets are not allowed entry to the Starbucks outlet, and they can only be seated outdoors. For more details about the pet-friendly mall, visit the Jaya One website here.

Source: Jaya One

It’s also worth mentioning that Sushi’s owners have an Instagram and Facebook page dedicated to the adorable little corgi. Both pages commonly update about other pet-friendly places and restaurants owners can visit with their pets.

So please, feel free to follow Sushi the Corg on Facebook and Instagram.

The post This Pet-Friendly Malaysian Starbucks Outlet Serves Drinks For Pets appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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