Joey Mattress Joins Forces With 7 Other Local Startups For 2nd Birthday Celebration

Congratulations on turning 2 years old, Joey Mattress. In celebration of its birthday today (9th April), the local startup has teamed up with 7 other Malaysian brands in the spirit of coming together to support one another.

The aforementioned Malaysian startups include Ana tomy, Lilin+Co, Goodpair Socks, Salang Design, Perfectly Tea, Kandle Kandle and Bros Malaysia. It’s arguably the largest startup collaboration in Malaysia ever – and we couldn’t be more excited.

2020 and 2021 so far have been a tough year for most, if not all, Malaysian businesses. It’s already old news and people aren’t posting about supporting small businesses as much anymore. We wanted to do something meaningful that supports both our community of Malaysian entrepreneurs and also increases the sleep quality of our customers,” Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer Joey Tan said.

When consumers purchase these products, they’re not only supporting Joey Mattress but are also supporting other local Malaysian startups too, which in turn directly supports the Malaysian economy,” Tan added. During the first MCO, #SupotLokal was all the hype when many realised the importance of supporting local businesses and brands. So we’re stoked that Joey Mattress is reigniting this movement once again.

Take a look at their collabs here:

1. Ana tomy

  • Ana tomy specialises in customising and personalising notebooks as well as stationaries.

2. Lilin+Co

  • Perfect for creating a cosy ambience, and to calm your weary mind before bedtime.

3. Goodpair Socks

  • Material: Combed cotton, spandex, nylon
  • Features: Fit heel pocket, seamless toe closure, cushion padding, great moisture wicking

4. Salang Design

  • Many adore Salang Design for celebrating the Malaysian culture through their embroidery techniques. Aside from this comfy white tee which we absolutely love, this startup also produces a ton of cute t-shirts like this “Bullsit” one, and this “Flip Ham Yu” one.

5. Perfectly Tea

  • Contains 10 teabags
  • Ingredients: A blend of rose, pearl barley and red dates
  • Add a small spoonful of honey/ sugar to sweeten (optional)

6. Kandle Kandle

  • Bedroom spray freshen up any space
  • Ingredients: Denatured ethyl alcohol, fragrance oil

7. Bros Malaysia

  • BROS is a leading brand of Refillable Water Bottles that are reusable, leak-proof, easy to use, easy to clean, portable, trendy and comes in stylish and fun-filled designs and colours.

Learn more about Joey Mattress and the blue box here

The post Joey Mattress Joins Forces With 7 Other Local Startups For 2nd Birthday Celebration appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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