M’sian Man Threatens To Not Marry His GF If She Doesn’t Get An Abortion

Everyone wants to find a good partner to spend their lives with. Although everyone has different criteria, at the end of the day, we all want someone who would support for us.

A young man from Segamat recently threatened to not marry his girlfriend after he discovered she was pregnant. He and his mother both ordered the young lady to get an abortion, while allegedly disregarding her wants and needs.

Source: Facebook

The matter went viral on social media after audio recordings and videos of the two families arguing were released. It is believed that the video was released by the woman’s family and friends. In the video, the young man and his mother visited his girlfriend’s house to discuss their next steps. However, the discussion quickly dissolved into an argument. The young woman’s family accused him of being irresponsible and asked him how they would resolve the matter. As the two families were unable to negotiate, the mother and son left shortly after.

On the audio, the young man and his mother can be heard persuading the lady to give up the unborn child. The young man explained that since he’s not financially stable and is still living with his mother, it would be better for her to have an abortion. He stated he was being responsible by persuading her to get the abortion.

If you insist on giving birth, I will not be responsible and I will not marry you,” he said. “Do you want to be a single mother?” He went on to say that single mothers struggle to find a boyfriend or a husband willing to take responsibility for the child. He also stated that after aborting the child, she could always get pregnant again. “Think carefully,” he warned. However, the young man added he would only marry her after being able to earn a comfortable and stable pay cheque.

Source: Facebook

His mother also believed that abortion would solve the problem. She advised the girlfriend to visit a doctor and get an abortion as soon as possible. “If you like him, you must be able to solve small problems,” she said. She was concerned that no one would look after the child if it was born out of wedlock. And if the couple were to get married and still have the child, she said she would have to give up her place as her son doesn’t have a house of his own.

I won’t have anywhere to live, and no one will be happy,” she said. She also tried to persuade the girlfriend to abort the child by telling her, “It would be pitiful if you became a single mother.” She said she understood the struggles of being a single mother, as she was one herself. “Women must think with their heads and not emotions,” she urged. She added that the girlfriend shouldn’t tell others about her child.

Source: China Press

Netizens were furious with the mother-son duo and many left scathing remarks in the comments. On Sunday night (11th April), the mother of the young man was approached for an interview. She claimed she was not aware of what happened and stated she hadn’t instructed her son’s girlfriend to do anything. She added she would be reporting the case to the police today (Monday, 12th April).

Early this morning, the young man himself posted about the matter on Facebook. He explained there was a misunderstanding and he actually intended to marry his girlfriend. “We are normally very loving, but our argument caused some misunderstandings.” However, her parents no longer approve of the two getting married. His words were refuted by someone claiming to be the girlfriend’s brother.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

(The boyfriend) told my parents that he did not want to be responsible for the child,” he said. Apparently the boyfriend offered his sister a choice; either they register their marriage or he would compensate her. Although they had no intention of taking any money from the other family, the woman’s family did not want her to marry the man. They accepted the RM30,000 as compensation instead.

Netizens are in full support of the young woman. They hope she finds someone better and are glad she is being responsible for her child’s life. The young man’s Facebook post has also been deleted. As one Facebook commentator said, “Girls, you can clearly see this person is not worth wasting your life on.” Hopefully, the guy learns his lesson or else he’s going to be alone forever.

Watch the videos here:

Well, if he didn’t want to father a child in the first place, why didn’t he thought of using a condom?

Sources: China Press (1)(2)

The post M’sian Man Threatens To Not Marry His GF If She Doesn’t Get An Abortion appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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