Pregnant Girlfriend Chooses Baby Over Irresponsible Boyfriend

It’s never too late to learn that all your decisions have consequences. For this young man, he’s taking the lesson hard.

Netizens were furious when they discovered Pang Yingzun (英尊) had asked his girlfriend to get an abortion. If she didn’t, he threatened to not marry her.

Source: Facebook

After Pang discovered his girlfriend, Yan Yong Qi (颜咏琪) was pregnant, he insisted that she should get an abortion. He even said that if she went ahead with the pregnancy, there won’t be a future wedding. His mother agreed with him and also tried persuading her to give up the child. However, Yan wanted the child.

The two families had met earlier to discuss the issue, but they were unable to come to an agreement. Later, Pang changed his mind and offered to marry Yan. If she declined his offer to get married, he would compensate the family with RM30,000. Yan’s family decided against the marriage and took the money instead.

Around 2pm yesterday (12th April), the young couple and their families went to the Segamat Police Station. They apparently went to the station to try and come to an agreement about the matter. The parents of the couple sat down to negotiate, with a police officer mediating the meeting. 1 hour passed and they still couldn’t reached a consensus.

Source: Facebook

Yan stated she wants to keep her child and has no intention of getting married. Her family is also on the same page as they no longer approve of her marrying Pang. They are apparently worried she will be wronged after the marriage. They also clarified that they hadn’t extorted RM30,000 from Pang’s family. Pang’s family had voluntarily offered compensation to them.

Pang himself is still holding out for a wedding however. While Yan has made it clear she does not want to marry, he said he is willing to wait for his girlfriend to change her mind. The 25-year-old now wants to keep the child. He is apparently willing to take care of both Yan and the child in order to be a good father. Pang also made a report at the police station. According to the report, Pang has declared that his girlfriend, Yan, is pregnant with his child and he is now willing to take responsibility.

Source: China Press

While he seems sincere, many netizens do not believe him. Several of them agree that it is wiser to not marry him.

Sources: China Press, Facebook

The post Pregnant Girlfriend Chooses Baby Over Irresponsible Boyfriend appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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