Yang Bao Bei Apologises For Scams & Promises To Make Amends

Malaysian influencer and YouTuber Yang Bao Bei (杨宝贝) has been facing a very tough week. It began on 17th April when the YouTuber attempted suicide. As netizens were discussing the reason for the attempt, it came to light that she had been scamming people.

While her family and friends have been dealing with the fallout, YBB herself was recuperating in the hospital. However, it seems she has finally returned to face the music. Earlier today (Monday, 26th April), YBB posted an update of her situation on her Instagram Story.

Source: Instagram

The first thing the YouTuber did was apologise. “Everything is my fault,” she said. “I am willing to bear and accept legal sanctions. I’m sorry to let you down.” She  mentioned that as she has been in police custody, and later, recuperating in a hospital, she was unable to contact the outside world. “It’s all my own fault,” she added. “I will be responsible. Sorry, world.

While YBB was away recovering, many of her victims and netizens have been openly discussing the matter. Knowing she caused a lot of confusion and chaos, YBB promised to explain and deal with the situation as soon as she could. She also apologised to those she had hurt, including her mother who presumably has been there for her. “I swear I will change,” she stated.

YBB is definitely trying to live up to her promises as she posted a picture of her attempting to refund her victims. Sadly, it seems she is being foiled as her account is currently frozen. “I really need some time to deal with this,” the influencer said. “I’m really sorry, I definitely want to do it.

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

Her sincerity and earnest attempt have won her back into people’s good graces. Many sent messages cheering her on which she thanked publicly on her Insta Stories. The YouTuber is clearly grateful for the support shown, both from netizens and her friends. Although her friends have not publicly spoken about the matter, many of them have made a statement after netizens accused them of not caring. This, of course, included her ex-boyfriend, whom she broke up with shortly before her suicide attempt.

YBB’s ex was apparently responsible for giving her the YouTube channel to be sold. “The channel was sold with my consent,” he stated. “I was trying to help her solve her urgent needs, but I didn’t expect (her) to come to this point!” He denied having any knowledge of her scam and mentioned he feels guilty for his indirect involvement in the fraud. “I helped her, but she chose this way herself,” he said. “I didn’t ask her to sell the channel to multiple people.

Source: China Press

We applaud YBB for being willing to face and deal with the problem head on, while still under public scrutiny. We also hope she continues to recover well and will be able to live up to her promises.

Sources: China Press (1)(2)

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