Yang Bao Bei Refunds Her Victims; YouTubers Jeff & Inthira Take Heat For Cyberbullying Video

Many were taken aback when Malaysian YouTuber and influencer Yang Bao Bei (杨宝贝) admitted she had scammed people to pay off her gambling debts. It was revealed that YBB did not plan alone, she was helped by YouTuber couple Agnes Ma and Chris Hoo.

While YBB is refunding her victims, the duo are being outed for a previous crime. However, they aren’t the only ones taking heat. Another famous YouTube couple, Jeff and Inthira were also targeted. They initially made a video that seemingly supported YBB before she explained the situation.

Source: YouTube

YBB released a new video today (3rd May) to reassure people she was refunding her victims. The YouTuber showed bank remittance receipts and stated she has refunded 61 victims so far. The YouTuber explained her family was helping her with the refunds and she has no intention of avoiding it. Currently, YBB is doing her best to earn money and return it to her victims. As for those who have yet to be refunded, she stated that she may not have gotten their messages yet as her social media accounts are currently flooded with messages. She has offered her private number, which people can obtain by contacting someone named Lin Yun. “I will definitely process your refund as soon as possible,” the YouTuber said.

While YBB is doing her part, there has been no news from her alleged partners, Agnes Ma and Chris Hoo. However, netizens have not forgiven the duo either. Recently, someone posted that the couple had been committing crimes for about 8 years now. The Facebook user explained she had exposed them before, claiming the two had defrauded donations and planned several online sale frauds. At that time, fans pressured her and she eventually retracted her statement. However, in light of YBB’s incident, she finally feels justified.

Source: Facebook

For YouTubers Jeff and Inthira, the situation is a little different. According to them, their video was initially meant to make a statement on cyberbullying. Yet, many perceived their video as a way of indirectly supporting YBB. Additionally, during the video, they brought up several messages written by netizens and did not blur out the profile picture and the name.

This apparently led to netizens attacking those whose comments were revealed. The couple later stated that Jeff’s personal Facebook account had been reported and the YouTube video was removed. They also revealed that a female netizen, named Penny Lim, was claiming to be victimised by the duo. She slandered and threatened them in a Facebook group. Jeff and Inthira have asked her to contact them privately.

Source: Facebook

Amidst the chaos, there are people having fun with the situation. YouTuber KouJee Beatbox has taken YBB’s apology and made a song out of it. The song, aptly titled “I’m Sorry”, has been a hit with netizens, who found it surprisingly enjoyable.

Others have also somehow managed to profit off YBB’s incident. A netizen reported he had just won the lottery thanks to YBB. Apparently, he chose the number 8929, which represents deception, based off what she had done and it turned out to be a winning number. YBB’s friend and fellow YouTuber, Lim Shangjie also won the lottery, and he credits it to her as well. His winning number was chosen based off a video he and five others released about YBB yesterday (2nd May). Lim stated he had entered the lottery to help YBB pay off her debt.

Check out YBB’s latest video here:

And enjoy the beatbox-remix of her apology here:

Sources: China Press (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6), YouTube (1)(2), Facebook

The post Yang Bao Bei Refunds Her Victims; YouTubers Jeff & Inthira Take Heat For Cyberbullying Video appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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