Yang Bao Bei’s Drama Continues Former Friends Tan Yii Yii & Lim Shangjin

Friendships are easy to make but a broken one is not as easy to fix. This is definitely a lesson Yang Bao Bei (杨宝贝) is going through now. The local influencer and YouTuber was discovered to be a scammer after she attempted suicide.

Since she was released into her family’s care, YBB has been trying to fix things. However, the same cannot be said for her friendships.

Source: Facebook

Yesterday (10th May), YBB made several public apologies to her friends. However, another YouTuber and influencer Tan Yii Yii (陳蓉滢) has made it clear that YBB has not been forgiven. Tan mentioned earlier that YBB was responsible for stealing her phone and IC to borrow more money from loan sharks. This was revealed when six of YBB’s friends made a video to share their side of the story. Since then, Tan has been asking for her belongings back. However, YBB has yet to return them. Tan is especially disappointed as YBB is supposedly trying to turn over a new leaf.

YBB explained in an Instagram story that the situation is out of her control. According to her, the items are with another person, whom she will not disclose. She offered to compensate for Tan’s phone but apologised for not being able to do more. In response to that, Tan said that stealing was still a crime and the phone itself wasn’t valuable, it was the information on it. “Stop thinking (about how to) shirk responsibility,” Tan wrote. “Aren’t you tired? Cos I am.

According to Tan, YBB had two months to do the right thing and return her items to her. But the inaction has severely disappointed her and she has given up completely on YBB. Tan sarcastically congratulated her on being able to avoid punishment for this crime. “Under the circumstances, you will not be convicted if there is no evidence,” she wrote. “It turns out that it’s fine if you (just) apologise and admit you mistakes?” The influencer said she was tired to arguing with YBB and that she didn’t want to take up people’s time and effort anymore. She made it very clear that there was no hope for a relationship between them.

Source: Instagram

While YBB was arguing with Tan, she was also starting more drama, this time with another YouTuber, Lim Shangjin (林尚进). Initially, the two seemed close. Lim disclosed he had been there when YBB tried to commit suicide and tried to help her pay off her debts. However, YBB recently revealed that Lim had sexually harrassed her before. The incident apparently took place while the YBB was still dating her ex-boyfriend Kim.

After publicizing the incident, YBB demanded an apology from Lim. She threatened to released a recording she had of his inappropriate behaviour if he didn’t. Surprisingly, Lim gave her the okay, even asking her to do so quickly. “I hope it can help you (by diverting) everyone’s attacks. I hope that by proving my fault, you can alleviate yours,” the YouTuber wrote. YBB fired back, saying she was already working on it. Seemingly enraged by her bold response, Lim’s tone changed completely. “No wonder you chose me,” he jeered. “Is it because I have enough topics for you to (use) to shift the focus?” He pointed out that YBB was the one who had stolen and cheated people in the first place.

Source: Instagram

One has to wonder where YBB is getting all this energy from. While she is certainly working hard to pay off her debts, she is also capable of engaging her friends in verbal combat.

We hope she finishes repaying her debts to her victims soon. With her spunk and energy, it certainly looks like she can pull it off.

Sources: China Press (1)(2)(3)

The post Yang Bao Bei’s Drama Continues Former Friends Tan Yii Yii & Lim Shangjin appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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