5 Burning Questions We Hope To Find Out In “Lupin: Part 2”

“Lupin”, the famous French series that sneakily captured our hearts is finally back! No thanks to the cliffhanger ending in Part 1, the past few months have been especially intolerable for fans like us as we ponder upon the questions, “Wait, what?” and “No! What happened?!”.

The wait is over and that means we can finally get these burning questions below answered.

1. Did Raoul survive?

“Lupin: Part 1” ended on a cliffhanger that not only kept us on the edge of our seats. but also made us paint a thousand possible scenarios in our heads. Will Assane be able to save his only child or will the anguish of losing Raoul turn the story around?

2. Will Hubert Pelligrini pay for what he did to Assane Diop’s father?

There are but a few villains that we truly despise, and Hubert Pelligrini is at the top of the list. With zero remorse and no sense of empathy, he has successfully bought his way to the top. Guess we’ll have to wait to find out if money talks or if justice will prevail.

3. Will Youssef Guedira’s obsession with Lupin make him an ally or will the cat-and-mouse game go on a little longer?

Every good series needs an unexpected ally, and in Assane’s case, that person is Guedira. The trailer hints at Guedira teaming up with Lupin, but is he really an ally or are his actions hiding his true intentions – to put Assane behind bars once and for all?

4. Will Assane be captured by the police for good?

As much as we love Assane and his clever tricks and disguises, we know he’s broken one too many laws. Will the righteous arm of the law finally get a grasp of Assane (with the help of Guedira maybe?) or will he wiggle his way out again? *poof*

5. Juliette Pellegrini. Innocent pawn… in it with her dad?

No one really knows what her intentions are at the end of “Lupin: Part 1”. Does she know more than she lets on, or is she just another innocent bystander in the grand scheme of things?


6. Will Malaysia be mentioned again in “Lupin: Part 2”?

Malaysia was mentioned twice in the first part of Lupin and that got us thinking. Will there be a continuation in the storyline for us or maybe a spotlight on our delicious food? Either way, we can’t wait for the adventure “Lupin: Part 2” has for us!

The post 5 Burning Questions We Hope To Find Out In “Lupin: Part 2” appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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