Malay Woman Tried Selling Her Child’s Phone To Earn Money For Food

We’ve heard the saying “desperate times call for desperate measures”. When we’re left with little to no avenues for escape, we do what we must to survive.

After the movement control order (MCO) prevented a mother from Taiping, Perak finding work, desperation led her to try selling her child’s gadget.

The incident was shared by TikTok user Shahril. According to him, he had been approached by a woman riding a motorcycle. She then offered to sell him a mobile phone. Curious, he asked why she was selling the phone and she replied she had no money for food. “She has not eaten since morning, and her children also haven’t eaten. Her motorcycle fuel was also running low,” Shahril said.

The lady explained that she used to clean people’s houses to earn money. However, when MCO came into effect, she lost her only source of income. Desperate, she decided to sell her child’s phone to make some money. “She didn’t have a choice,” Shahril stated. “She lives with her four children and she is a single mother.

The TikTok user who apparently has taken part in a lot of charity work, was in a fortunate position to help her. He refused to buy the phone from her and instead, gave her some cash to tide her over. Shahril disclosed that the money was from their charity work supporters. He also asked for her number as he planned to send her more help later.

Source: Lobak Merah

Although the video has since been removed from TikTok, many netizens managed to view it and left their own comments. Several comments thanked him and praised him for his charity work. Others sympathised with the woman, praying her hardships in life would ease soon. Many offered their help as well.

MCO has not been easy for some of us and for others, it has made life even harder. Hopefully we can band together as a community to help one another. After all, as Helen Keller once said, “Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much.

Sources: Lobak Merah, Oh Bulan!

The post Malay Woman Tried Selling Her Child’s Phone To Earn Money For Food appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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