Minister Mustapa Mohamed Aplogises For Dining In Cafe In Kelantan

Do lawmakers and lawbreakers go hand in hand? Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economic Affairs) Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed was heavily criticised for flouting the standard operating procedures (SOP) during MCO.

The 70-year-old was photographed dining in AlfathCafe HQ, a cafe located in Kampung Kalai Jeli, in Kelantan around 5:30pm on Saturday (26th June). Under the lockdown rules, restaurants and eateries were only allowed takeaway and delivery services.


Mustapa has since released a statement, with the message:

The young fellow aged 26-year-old used social media to market his menu based on Western cuisine. Datuk Seri Mustapa admits to being present at the premises and served food at Alfath Cafe, Kampung Kalai, Jeli last Saturday. He wishes to apologise for the violation of the standard operating procedures and leaves it entirely to the police to take the necessary action.”

The owner of AlfathCafe HQ also posted an update on Facebook, apologising for uploading photos of Mustapa at his cafe over the weekend. He confessed to being carried away and excited when Tok Pa dropped by to see how his business was faring.

Source: Facebook

Sources: MMO, Facebook.

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