YouTubers’ Feud: Yang Bao Bei Gets Lim Shangjin Arrested; He Retaliates By Suing Her

YouTubers Yang Bao Bei (Kalysta, 杨宝贝) and Lim Shangjin (林尚进) have been feuding since the end of May. Their interactions which mostly took place on Instagram, revolved around several issues. The main one being YBB accusing Lim of sexual harassment.

Although the duo had seemed like they reached in impasse, yesterday (17th June) Lim Shangjin was arrested by the police. It became clear that YBB had finally made her move. Earlier this morning (18th June), Lim was brought to the court in Petaling Jaya.

Source: E Nan Yang

YBB has had a hard time convincing people of her accusation. Her suicide attempt in April, which led to YBB admitting she had scammed people due to a gambling problem, distracted netizens from her accusations. Since the beginning of June, YBB has been targeting Lim on Instagram. She would repeatedly accuse him of sexual harassment, saying she had photographic evidence. YBB explicitly mentioned she had two films which could prove her accusations.

Lim consistently denied the accusations and offered some explanations for the screenshots that were leaked. According to Lim, the screenshots with explicit photos were about YBB’s friend who had supposedly recorded a sexy video. He also graciously permitted her to show the films YBB had mentioned. She did not release the films, but did release two videos titled “The Truth About Lim Shangjin’s Incident (林尚進頂人事件 語音)”. The videos appeared to be recorded conversations between her and other females about Lim and his behaviour towards them.

Additionally, YBB has recounted several incidents where Lim had harassed her, including once in her own home. She stated that Lim had entered her home at 3am while she was lying nude in bed and hugged her from behind. Frightened, she had called her family for help, but by the time they had arrived, he had left. Lim contested the story in another video, released on 2nd June. He stated he had rushed to her place after a friend alerted him that YBB was abut to commit suicide. Lim insisted that he had only confirmed YBB was safe and took a photo to reassure the friend.

Source: Xuan
Source: YouTube

On 17th June, Lim was summoned to the police station at night. According to Lim’s lawyer, the police had supposedly received a report from YBB which led to them recording Lim’s statement before detaining him. This morning, Lim was seen heading into the PJ courthouse. Surprisingly, Lim held his head high and did not shy away from cameras.

According to the media present at the scene, Lim was very calm and did not seem worried at all. He even responded to a reporter when his name was called by waving hello. When asked if he had anything to say about the matter, Lim said to wait until he had left the courtroom. He also thanked the media before moving on. As he was leaving the courthouse, he was asked if he would be released. According to Lim, that would depend on his lawyer. He also stated he would record another video to clarify matters if the situation was suitable.


Not long after his appearance in the courtroom, AMM Asia Entertainment announced on Facebook that Lim Shangjin would be suing YBB. According to the announcement, Lim could no longer bear the slander. He had decided to file a lawsuit against her for defamation and insisted on proving his innocence. AMM declared they believe in Lim’s integrity and will be siding with him.

Source: Facebook

It is currently a case of he said-she said. Hopefully, the pending investigations can bring the truth to light.

Watch YBB’s recorded conversations here:

Check out Lim Shangjin’s explanation here:

Sources: Xuan (1)(2)(3)(4)(5), China Press, Facebook, YouTube (1)(2)(3)

The post YouTubers’ Feud: Yang Bao Bei Gets Lim Shangjin Arrested; He Retaliates By Suing Her appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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