1 Utama Mall Addresses Whatsapp Message Of 50 People Infected With Delta Variant

With the rising number of Covid-19 cases resulting in a rising infectivity rate, it is no doubt that everyone is being extremely cautious of their safety and wellbeing. This also means, being extremely vulnerable to getting tricked by fake WhatsApp messages regarding the latest Covid-19 outbreaks occurring nationwide. Fake news as such would only cause more anxiety and stress amongst fellow netizens especially if they had previously visited the said location. 

Similarly, a text circulating via WhatsApp has caused quite a stir on the popular messaging application. This text was referring to an alleged Covid-19 outbreak in 1 Utama, where staff and customers had been infected with the Covid Delta variant in the popular shopping mall.

According to the text, which was apparently forwarded many times, the sender was urging people who’ve previously visited 1 Utama on or before 4th July to undergo a Covid test and to stop going to 1 Utama. Adding on, the text also stated that the sender’s friend who seldom goes out contracted the Delta variant of the virus upon coming back from the shopping mall. As a result, 3 of the friend’s family members died within 2 days. 

Amidst this piece of fake news, 1 Utama recently released a statement on their Facebook page, refuting these claims. The statement said:

“Dear All, we refer to the various messages and unverified rumours circulating over social media and WhatsApp regarding staff and customers being infected with the COVID DELTA variant at 1 Utama. We wish to state that this is FAKE NEWS and that there is NO DELTA variant case reported at 1 Utama to date verified officially by KKM and Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah. Please do not circulate unverified messages and rumours creating unnecessary panic during this challenging time. Rest assured, 1 Utama remains fully compliant to all safety SOPs to safeguard the health and well-being of our employees, shoppers and tenants. Let’s keep a sanity check everyone. Thank you for your continuous support. Stay safe guys! Team #1Utama.”

Although relieved to know that it was fake news, we hope the public would not believe in such texts and instead, refer to official statements from the Health Ministry, instead. This would ensure no unnecessary stress is caused among the general public. 

Source: 1 Utama’s Facebook Page

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