Covidiot Woman Angers Frontliners After Showing Up At MIECC For Vaccination

The vaccination process at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Center (MIECC) near Serdang came to a halt for a few hours after an individual with Covid-19 was detected in the vaccination centre. The Covid-19 Immunisation Task Force (CITF) in a statement said that the individual involved had an appointment and was present at the MIECC.

The MIECC management have taken immediate action to isolate the person involved. A comprehensive sanitation process was also carried out and the vaccination operations were resumed as soon as the sanitation was completed,” CITF in their statement remarked.

Source: BH Online

On Wednesday, a video went viral on social media when a user uploaded an Instagram story of a medical staff, Dr. Cheng Qing Cheng at the vaccination centre showing a vaccine recipient who was present with her mother for the appointment that is also Covid positive. According to the video uploaded, the individual went for a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test the day before and was confirmed Covid positive. 

CITF also responded that the individual only found out that she was positive for Covid-19 upon arriving at the vaccination centre. The individual was contacted by the medical personnel that conducted the Covid-19 test on her on the day of her vaccination appointment. The individual however, did not inform her mom about her condition because she felt that she could receive consultation from the medical professionals present at the vaccination centre.

The posting has gained reactions from netizens who expressed their resentment towards the selfish woman. “Not in a habit of calling people stupid but this one deserves it. How bloody irresponsibly stupid!” one netizen commented.

Another commenter remarked, “Insensitive and selfish people, Happy 7.7 day today, our daily cases have also reached 7k. Hopefully PDRM and MOH will investigate this video. Please take immediate action on these people. This kind of thing shouldn’t happen,” said one netizen.

Source: Twitter

Following the incident, CITF has reminded all scheduled vaccine recipients to be more responsible and to not attend the vaccination appointment until the Covid-19 result is proven negative. 

Because of the woman’s self action, not only are vaccination appointments affected but frontliners are now required to quarantine themselves.

Sources: BH Online, OhMyMedia

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