Interview: Jordan Alexander, Whitney Peak & Eli Brown On Their “Gossip Girl” Characters

Did you miss her? She sure has missed you. Gossip Girl is officially back as your number one source into the scandalous lives of New York’s elite. Plus, girlfriend here has to make up for lost time.

Thanks to our friends from WarnerMedia, we’ve got Jordan Alexander, Whitney Peak, and Eli Brown – who portray Julien Calloway, Zoya Lott, and Obie Bergman respectively – to spill the tea on their “Gossip Girl” characters.

Check out the interview here:

How is the chemistry on set with the cast?

Eli: The chemistry of the cast is fantastic! We all get along really well and we’re very supportive of each other which I think is very important – especially for this show. We have a few veterans in the cast and we also have some newcomers, and so with a show that is this anticipated and there is so much buzz around it, it’s really important to have a group of peers that you can rely on, and support and be supported by.

Whitney: Absolutely, I think we got really lucky – in terms of everybody on the show is so easily lovable. There’s this kind of mutual respect and admiration for each other that makes it really easy to work with one another and ask for help and feel comfortable in the space we are put in. You don’t want to be working for people nowadays for people you don’t feel comfortable around – we definitely got lucky on that.

Jordan, did you have a lot of fun?

Jordan: Absolutely, it was a lot of fun. And its such an interesting and crazy job. I always feel like we are in the circus – we are like the travelling people – the artists. When you talk to all the people on set and all the different jobs –like everyone is such a unique and interesting character, so that’s really fun.

All of your co-workers are very interesting

Whitney: We learn so much from each other, even little things like what music you listen to or how to clean your bathroom properly. I’m always picking up things from everybody else.

What are your thoughts on social media?

Whitney: I feel like everyone else have had kind of a complicated relationship with social media and that I hate it, but for some reason can’t seem to get away from it. And for some reason feel like its associated with my career. Because I feel the more it becomes relevant to peoples lives – that it’s more tied into the entertainment business especially. So…(sighs) it’s been a little bit of a journey for me on social media. I’ve been telling my friends to change my password and keeping me off of it – on and off for so long, but I’m just kind of learning that everything is better in moderation. And so that once you really learn to listen to how it’s affecting you, you learn to minimize the trouble of it all.

Jordan: Yeah! I agree with Whitney. Like anything – if you overuse it, it can become a problem, a bad thing. If you use it in the wrong way – if you specifically seek out pages that make you feel bad or make you feel you’re not good enough – that’s going to have a really negative impact on you. There IS a positive side of social media in terms of spreading awareness and sharing stories. There’s going to be both (good and bad) like anything in the world. So, you do have to be careful and not let it be a free for all. You should curate what you’re viewing and what you’re exposing your spirit to.

Eli: I have a lot of thoughts on social but I’m pretty sure that if I didn’t have to have it for work, I wouldn’t be on it – I don’t think I’ll have it. That’s all I’ll say.

Whitney: It can be educational if you’ll let it be – like Jordan was saying. I feel like a lot of my political resources (even though it can be propaganda) can come from social media – which is errmmm – yeah, you got to curate what you’re taking in for sure.

Source: HBO

What are the best and worst qualities of your characters?

Whitney: Zoya’s best and also her worst quality is she values the happiness of the people around her. She really wants everybody to be OK all the time – so that’s kind of great but also it affects her negatively sometimes because she’s not really listening to what she needs.

Eli: Obie’s best quality is that he’s got a really good heart. And his worst quality is that he is sometimes unable to realize the impact of his own actions.

Jordan: I feel like Julien’s greatest quality is her ability to get things done – she’s very focused in that, but also she can put her blinders on so when she has a goal in sight then everything else is not being paid attention to. So, the gift and the curse kinda thing.

“Gossip Girl” is available on HBO Go.

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