#JusticeForBella: 4 Facts On Siti Bainun, Owner Of Rumah Bonda

With the #JusticeForBella campaign making its waves on social media, it could be seen that many netizens are voicing out their support for Bella, the Down’s Syndrome teenager who was allegedly abused by the owner of the welfare home, now, known as Siti Bainun. According to the Head of the Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department, SAC Saiful Annuar Yusoff, his team received the complaint on 24th June about the victim involved and she was sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for a check-up.

Apart from having burns, she was also detected to be Covid-19 positive. After further scouring the World Wide Web, a few netizens have exposed the identity of the owner of Rumah Bonda, Siti Bainun Ahd Razali!

Here’s what we know so far:

The Relationship Between Siti Bainun and Political Party, UMNO

Siti BainunNetizens have claimed that Bainun was the Vice President of Puteri UMNO for the Ampang Division and she was appointed in 2016. Bainun has also offered to be a candidate for the President’s Post of Puteri UMNO for the same division and a candidate for Parlimen Belia Malaysia in 2018. According to Murai.my, for this term, Bainun is not holding a position of any sort. It should also be noted that Bainun won an award under Puteri UMNO and, this was given by the ex-Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Datuk Seri Najib’s Connection to Bainun

Siti Bainun

The ex-Prime Minister chided claims that he knows Bainun personally via his social media platforms. This was posted after netizens claimed that he had a personal connection with Bainun.

Rumah Bonda’s Notorious Past

This is a shocking piece of information! On 3rd May 2020, Adam, a baby with special needs has died under the care of Rumah Bonda. As a result of Bella’s case, netizens want the investigation paper to be reopened due to the case’s suspicious nature. Courtesy of a post, shared by Frdaus Ahmad, on Facebook, many were surprised and shocked to find out the condition of Adam at the stage of a newborn up until his highly suspicious death. What’s even more sceptical is the fact that Bainun did not allow a post-mortem towards Adam!

Mas Ermieyati’s Friendship With Bainun

Siti BainunIn a similar fashion to Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s post, Datuk Wira Hajah Mas Ermieyati Binti Samsudin, Member of the Parliament, has revealed her connection with Bainun. However, she has agreed that she knew Bainun via the post. Bainun has contacted her and asked for help regarding this matter when it became viral. Mas has stated that she would be handing over this issue to the authorities — to ensure justice would be served!

These shocking facts about Bainun could only conclude one thing — a strong political influence! Let’s just hope that the perpetrators would be punished regardless of their status or position.

Source: Murai.my

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