“Take Only What You Need”, But Someone Thought It Included The Food Bank Table

It’s heartwarming to see Malaysians coming together in unity for the White Flag movement and helping those who have been struggling to put food on the table.

Having said that, it’s unfortunate that a few bad apples have taken advantage of people’s kindness. We’ve seen a family of 3 arriving at a food bank station to clear almost everything there – leaving very little for others. It’s a mirror image of what’s happening in our political climate, isn’t it?

Like many other food bank stations around the country, kind hearted souls have set up tables with essential goods offering those with less to “take what you need”. However, some people have interpret that as “since it’s free, I better take everything while I can”.

Someone who had set up a small table with some food and household items was shock to find that even the table had gone missing when they returned. The person even had to write “Please return my table” on an orange piece of paper.

This incident drew many reaction from the public. Here are some highlights:

  • “Some people have become to dependent on others. They refuse to work for money and only want charity from others.”
  • “Instead of supplying dry food, maybe food banks could supply 3 meals a day.”
  • “People are already offering you free stuff, why would you be so ungrateful and steal the table as well?”

Greed is a bottomless pit, but let’s not let this stop us from doing good in the world.

Source: China Press.

The post “Take Only What You Need”, But Someone Thought It Included The Food Bank Table appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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