Was Ethan Yu Xiaoguang Caught Cheating On Wife Choo Ja Hyun?

Is Ethan Yu Xiaoguang (于晓光)’s 4-year marriage to Choo Ja Hyun (추자현) currently on the rocks? The Chinese actor was recently caught getting rather intimate with a mysterious woman in public.

Following the viral paparazzi shot online, many have jump to the conclusion that the 40-year-old star was caught cheating on his 42-year-old South Korean actress. But is any of it true?

Looking at the snapshot from Yule Sohu shared all over Weibo, a woman in green was seen on Xiaoguang’s lap in the car. Prior to that the Chinese actor was seen hanging at a bar with some friends. Many commented how the pair were leaning too close for comfort to be “just friends”.

In response to the news, Xiaoguang’s Korean agency released a statement denying that the cheating allegations that have been spreading like wildfire online. His team insists that the woman is someone’s he has known for years and that close friends were also at the scene.

The agency added that Xiaoguang will be more mindful of his actions going forward. However, netizens remain unconvinced.

Source: Drama Potatoe.

The post Was Ethan Yu Xiaoguang Caught Cheating On Wife Choo Ja Hyun? appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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