Yana Samsudin Lodges Police Report Against Perverted Online Streamer

Actress Yana Samsuddin has called the cops on a local streamer who allegedly harassed a 13-year-old yesterday (Thursday, 15th July) at the Shah Alam district police headquarters.

According to Yana, the male streamer allegedly committed sexual harassment verbally by uttering “double meaning” comments towards the teenage girl.

Source: myKMU.net

The 37-year-old revealed that as someone who’s active in the eSports community, she feels responsible to ensure the safety of the group members while streaming. “I’ve never encountered such an incident, but as a streamer, I came forward to make a police report to put a stop on this issue,” Yana told mStar.

Yana added that she was informed about the streamer – known as Soul Gaming X – who uttered a crude and sexually explicit remark against the young girl. “When I looked at the footage, I was very furious because he even said that he wanted to ‘physically harass’ her. I’m a bit vocal when it comes to stuff like this,” she said.

Source: mStar

At the same time, the “Ismi Solehah” actress also reminded fellow online gamers to be responsible and also comply to all the rules. She further revealed that this wasn’t the first time where the said individual committed such immoral act, and even worse, he even rallied for his followers’ support!

“If you want to become a streamer, there are rules if you want to come up with any sorts of content on your page. One of them is not to touch on sensitive issues,” Yana shared. “I don’t understand why he keeps creating content like that, and yet, there are people who support him?”

She continued, “When things like this happen, we have to always educate people, and I felt compelled to do something (about it). It’s not wrong if you choose to become a streamer, but there are boundaries to be respected, and it’s important to cultivate a positive community.”

Source: mStar

Yana, who has been in the eSports world for almost 2 years, also pointed out that stern action should be taken such instances won’t be repeated again. He also reminded fellow gamers to set a good example, apart from making use of the platform to make a living.

“This platform can guarantee a future for gamers, as a lot of people can join no matter who they are. But one shouldn’t tolerate when someone throws lewd remarks,” she concluded.

Source: mStar.

The post Yana Samsudin Lodges Police Report Against Perverted Online Streamer appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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