Abandoned Pup Uses A Shoe As Shelter Till This Man Rescues Him

Too many times, life is very unfair to innocent little animals. Cases of helpless cats, dogs, and other animals being abandoned can be commonly seen everywhere. It’s really sad and heartbreaking to see how careless and heartless humans abandon their pets, who cannot take care of themselves, in various tragic ways. Some people just leave their pets at the roadside, while some people tie them to trees and abandon them in worse ways. This is the reason why it’s always heartwarming and refreshing to see a story about an innocent animal being rescued and getting the happy ending they deserve.


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued

A man named Goran Marinkovic does his best to feed and look after stray animals. In March 2020, when Marinkovic paid a visit to the stray animals, he came across a little surprise. He found a little abandoned puppy sleeping next to a shoe. Marinkovic at once noticed that the little puppy was not in a good health condition, it was ill and hungry. The kindhearted man decided to adopt the little puppy and take care of it. He took him into his home and named it Smesten. He treated Smesten’s illnesses and helped it regain it’s health. In the present, Smesten is a healthy, happy, and beautiful puppy, thanks to Marinkovic’s kindness and care.


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued

Marinkovic feeds abandoned street animals and each passing day, he finds more and more. At the moment, he feeds more than 100 abandoned animals.


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued


Abandoned puppy rescued

Just like humans, animals also need love, care, safety, and affection. So, make sure to treat all animals with kindness. Also, if you like this wholesome story, don’t forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Image credits – goran.marinkovic.dzambo

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