Female Delivery Rider Crashes Into House Gate While Being Chased By A Dog

With increasing demand in the digital services since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, delivery riders have joined the list as the nation’s front liners for their effort to provide and ensure that food and essential goods are delivered to their destinations safely. Like many other industries, delivery services, especially the riders are not spared from encountering various forms of challenges.

The myriad of trial ranging from having to entertain odd and unusual requests from customers to facing countless challenges on the street. The challenge of being a delivery rider does not only involve dealing with human beings, sometimes it also involves having to face animals that can interfere with the smooth delivery process to customers.

Recently a video went viral on social media that showed a female delivery rider who suddenly crashed into a house gate in one residential area. The delivery rider was said to lose control of her motorcycle to flee from a wild dog who had been chasing her. When the collision happened, two ladies were seen conversing in front of the house when suddenly the motorcycle slammed into the gate of the resident’s house.

The accident was recorded by a closed-circuit camera (CCTV) of the residents’ house where the accident took place. The short video which lasted less than 30 seconds showed that the intense collision left the rider somehow injured. The sound of a dog barking was also heard right after the crash and the accident is understood to have happened yesterday (Thursday 19th August) at 3.57pm.

The video caught the attention of the public who also panicked and worried about the condition of the female rider involved. Many expressed their relief that the rider was safe and they said that if it was not for the helmet she was wearing, her condition might have been worse as a result of the serious collision.

Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

It could not be ascertained whether it was a stray dog or one of the residents’ pets in the area. Regardless, netizens proposed to the authorities to catch the stray dogs in the area as it could endanger more people. 

There is no further information on the location of the incident but based on the video recording, the delivery rider is believed to be a woman based on her body shape. The public also hoped that the female rider did not sustain serious injuries and be able to negotiate with the house owner for the accidental damage.

Sources: OhBulan, The Vocket

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