Storm Cloud That Looks Like A Fiery Explosion

Laura Rowe was out on a regular Sunday to drive around East Texas with her boyfriend when she witnesses an extraordinary event taking place. What started out as a normal day transformed into something much bigger when Rowe photographed an electrifying image of storm clouds appearing ready to explode thanks to reflected light from the sunset.


Rowe said that she and her boyfriend had just left the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge when they noticed a tornado touch down in the distance. They decided to chase the storm and get a closer look. “I had no idea how beautiful it was going to be up close,” Rowe told media.

“We drove down dirt roads, stopping every once in a while, to take some pictures. The place that I took that picture was actually our last stop. I thought we were too close, but the storm was moving the other way so we stayed where we were at. My phone was about to die, so I took a couple more pictures as the sun was going down and we started to head home since it was getting dark anyway. I had no idea at the time that photo I took was going to go viral.”

Believe it or not, these photos were captured on a smartphone, yes, an iPhone 11 using its wide-angle lens.

“The response that I have had to this photo is so incredible,” she added. “I have had people from all over the world send me messages about how the photo has inspired them or what it means to them. It makes me feel so blessed. I truly feel like God put me in the right place at the right time.”

It’s been a learning experience for Rowe, who is working to get a handle on the ins and outs of copyrights involved. “I hope to learn more about photography and artists’ rights since mine have been taken advantage of so often through this experience,” she shares. Still, the positives far outweigh any negative aspects. “At the end of the day, all of the nice messages and the people that are supporting me make it worth it. Like I said before, I truly do feel like this is a blessing.”

Laura Rowe: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

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