The “Miss Hong Kong 2021” competition has settled on their top 12 finalists. However, 23-year-old Chloe Leung (梁允瑜) is not one of them.
Chloe quickly gained notoriety after old videos of her using vulgar language were released. Many, including Chloe, suspect this was the reason why she lost her chance at the title. Yet, Chloe has not lost an iota of her self confidence.

During a Q&A session with netizens on her Instagram a few days ago, someone asked if she still used “rough” language. With many suspecting this to be the reason why she had lost the competition, Chloe’s response was rather unexpected. “I’ve said that foul language is one of Hong Kong’s Cantonese culture. I’m a Hong Kong native, of course I know foul language,” the former miss Hong Kong participant replied. “I didn’t say whether I like to (use) foul language (but I will) speak appropriate words at the right time. In private or with my friends, or even during me-time, can’t you be yourself?” Chloe added that there were other speeches that are “more ugly than vulgarity”.
According to the 23-year-old, the videos were from her college days, shortly after an ugly break-up with her then-boyfriend. Her friend had recorded her drunk yelling and although she requested the videos be removed later, they remained available online. She did not predict the videos being the cause of her downfall later for Miss Hong Kong 2021. “Why is it a crime to use foul language, like breaking the law?” she asked.

Although Chloe is grateful she had the chance to participate in “Miss Hong Kong 2021”, she now feels at ease. “I can finally be who I am. I am no longer be trapped in the norms set by others,” she stated in her Instagram post.
The former Miss Hong Kong 2021 participant may not have made it to the finals, but she certainly seems happier being herself!
The post Miss Hong Kong 2021’s Chloe Leong Sees No Harm In Vulgar Language appeared first on Hype Malaysia.