In an effort to accommodate their clients and to adhere to the present circumstance, prostitution has gone online. Now, businesses will hire hotel room and allow customers to ‘book’ their girls.
This has revealed some surprising data. Apparently, most Malaysian clients have a preference for Vietnamese girls!
According to the assistant director of Bukit Aman Secret Societies, Gambling, and Vice Division, prostitution services have switched to websites and social media to promote their services. This is apparently to avoid being caught by the law. After paying a deposit, the client will be given a “catalogue” of foreign girls. Upon selection, they will then obtain a hotel address and a room number.
The assistant director revealed that they discovered Vietnamese prostitutes being the most popular among Malaysian clients. In 2019 alone, more than 4,000 Vietnamese women were arrested. Currently, the police are tracking these websites with the help of major telecommunication companies and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).
Additionally, the Immigration Director added that if officials find foreign women frequently entering and exiting Malaysia without apparent business, they will be taken in for interrogation. If these women are suspected to be involved in illegal activities, officials will issue a letter to send them home.
Will the police be able to outwit these businesses? Or is the advancement of prostitution in Malaysia inevitable?
Source: China Press
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