Rekindle The Spark This Valentine’s Day With These 8 Sexy Tips!

“And so the prince and his princess lived happily ever after”, yes…you know this sentence so well that you might be rolling your eyes to the back of your head because it only exists in fairy tales, not in real life! 

In real life, the honeymoon phase will gradually fall into a comfort zone and usual routines, and things become stagnant – no more spark, no more desire, no more excitement, no more “Honey, I can’t breathe without you…” You don’t spend quality time together, you don’t open up to each other, and you argue over the smallest things. 

But hey, it’s not hopeless at all. It’s normal for a relationship to feel like it’s flaming out, after all no relationship runs smooth all the time, it takes commitment and effort. This Valentine’s Day, give your relationship a chance by finding ways to rekindle the spark in your relationship and fall in love again. No idea what to do? Check out these 8 tips to bring back the spark! 

Make Time For Deep Meaningful Conversations

First thing first, make sure both of you are on the same page by being open with your partner about your needs and feelings. Let them know why it is necessary to bring passion back into the relationship and what is missing from the relationship.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable. When you’re being true to who you are, you’re also allowing your partner to learn the new aspects of you, plus it helps to strengthen the relationship by establishing deeper levels of compassion and intimacy. Never forget to give back the same attention and energy to your partner. Put away your phone, close the laptop and make eye contact. Practice deep listening, and listen to understand, not to react. 

Appreciate Each Other Out Loud

We say “please” and “thank you” more often when we’re in the initial stage of dating. However, as relationship matures, we tend to take things for granted. So ladies and gentlemen, take some time out each day to express your love and appreciation for your partner even for the slightness matters like reheating the food for you when you’re back from work or taking the trouble to call the technician to fix the air-conditioner. You may have noticed it and always been grateful for them but you never express it, so starting from today, say it out loud! 

Revisit The Beginning

Can you remember how all the butterflies started? The times when you care so much about what to wear for your romantic dates, how your heart went pitter-patter when your partner invited you for a selfie for the first time and how excited you are to shop for a gift that will make him or her smile like sunshine! Dear sweet couples, guess it’s time to walk down the memory lane. Return to the place where you had great memories together and consistently find ways to make your partner feel special.

Be Playful With Touch

“We need that touch from the one we love, almost as much as we need air to breathe.” – the most famous quote from the romance movie, Five Feet Apart, has already illustrated the importance of touch. But still, many couples are holding it back until they have the desire or time for it. That’s a big mistake. Skin-to-skin contact is very much needed for pleasure and bonding. So don’t be stingy to give your partner a hug, a kiss and a touch.  

Try Something New And Crazy Together

Another must-do thing to reignite the spark in your relationship is to do something really exciting together. So cut the mindless routine, craft a fun list and be ready for new adventures such as bungee jumping, scuba diving, go on a staycation, or try out dancing class together. You can also plan a secret date to surprise your partner. Remember, the key here is to be spontaneous and mysterious so you can keep the flame going or even more fiery than before! 

Learn Each Other’s Love Language

Can you remember your partner’s love language? Or it has changed as time passed but you did not realise? As relationship evolves, our needs in the relationship change and so do our love languages. Therefore it’s important to relearn what carries more meaning for your other half, whether it’s words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, act of service, or receiving gifts, knowing your partner’s love languages definitely helps to deepen emotional connections and what’s more, to keep that spark alive! 

Flirt More And Send That Naughty Text! 

“Just about to take a shower, you’re going to love the outfit I wear tonight (wink)”, how long you haven’t been sending him or her a text like this rather than the same old “Have you eaten yet?” or “I’m home” messages? Don’t let the flame dies out just because you feel safe and comfortable with your relationship after some time. You have to continue feeding that flame and be the most intriguing man or woman in your partner’s life! So what are you waiting for? Send that killer text tonight! 

Bring Your Sex Life Back! 

Admit it, you can’t completely rekindle the spark in your relationship when you have lost your sex drive. But it’s true, it can be difficult to keep your sex life fresh sometimes when you have so many things to juggle, especially in this time of pandemic. So beautiful couples, as much as you prioritise your work and family, your sexual life needs your full attention too! So be sure after your netflix and chill, you head to the bedroom, spray yourself a fascinating scent, try out new lingerie and of course, a new position! 

Rekindling the passion in your relationship requires consistent effort, time and patience. But it’s totally possible as long as the both of you are willing to commit and invest in it. So before you move on to send that rekindling messages to your loved one, Happy Valentine’s Day!! 

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