(Video) “I Will End Your Life Right Now Bitch!”: Student Threatened Teacher For Scolding Him

Teenagers are known to be rebellious at times as they’re at that stage where they are trying to figure out where they fit in society. However, mistakes are prone to happen where they might get themselves into trouble like the time where police ended chasing a group of teenagers on motorcycles after finishing their SPM.

Speaking of getting into trouble, we have to hand it to teachers for having to deal with students who have a history of breaking rules at school. It’s no easy job but sometimes these students can go out of line and become verbally or physically aggressive towards their teachers. In a recent viral video, this young boy threatened to kill his teacher after being scolded. Here’s the story:

Extremely disrespectful student making threats from singapore

A video was recently posted on Reddit by user @Shakiraleftboob under the Singapore tag where it’s currently going viral all over the social media. While the full uncropped video didn’t manage to gain that many views, the reposted video on the Alternative View’s Facebook page garnered over 24k views, 179 reactions and almost 150 comments. The video in question shows a student arguing with his teacher.

According to the Facebook post, the incident took place inside a classroom at St. Andrew’s Secondary School in Singapore. The student was apparently upset after getting scolded by the teachers. He proceeded to get into a screaming fest with his teacher where he can heard shouting the words, “I will end your life right now bitch!” to the teacher.

The teacher told the young boy to back off after getting too close to which he replied with, “Shut your mouth bitch!”. It is currently unknown as to why the student was being scolded in the first place or what could’ve provoked him to act the way he did in the viral video. Regardless of the context, netizens still believe the boy was out of line for being disrespectful to his teacher.


According to Coconuts Singapore, the school has yet to release an official statement regarding the viral video. As of now, there has been no updates online on what happened to both the teacher and the student after their heated argument.

Sources: Reddit, Facebook, CoconutsSG

The post (Video) “I Will End Your Life Right Now Bitch!”: Student Threatened Teacher For Scolding Him appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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