Man With 3 Jobs Moved To Tears After Finding Out Wife Is Pregnant

A young husband received the best news ever in his life as a result of his hard work in tackling various jobs.

The Malaysian guy, Shahrul Amri, who works primarily as a biomedical technician, in addition to food delivery rider and as a small business entrepreneur. shared a heartwarming video of his wife surprising him with the news that they are expecting their first child together.

Source: TikTok

The one particular moment that got many netizens emotional was, when Shahrul gave an overwhelming reaction upon learning that he will be a dad in the near future. Unable to contain his excitement, he then proceeded to pull her close in a warm embrace, as tears fell from his eyes.

When asked to give his thoughts after receiving the delightful news, Shahrul said in an interview with local radio station Hot fm, “I was shocked. Because, my wife and I just got married. So, when I saw the pregnancy test kit shows a positive result, my manly tears just automatically dropped. I was thrilled, surprised and sad at the same time, because I’m about to be a father.”

Watch the video of his interview here:

We’re sincerely happy for the lovely duo! Major congrats to them on their future bundle of joy. 😉

Source: TikTok.

The post Man With 3 Jobs Moved To Tears After Finding Out Wife Is Pregnant appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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