Setapak Resident Pours Sand On Road In Revenge; Incites Netizens’ Outrage

On the road, motorcycles are more likely to get into accidents compared to other vehicles. More often than not, these accidents are fatal.

There are numerous ways for a motorcyclist to lose control of his bike. One of them is by losing traction due to oil, debris or gravel. This circulated video drew the ire of many when a man purposely poured sand on the road to deter motorcyclists.

This motorcyclist drove up in time to see a man standing smugly by his car with sand all over the bend. Apparently he had just finished dumping it out. Luckily, the motorcyclist wasn’t going very fast and he was observant enough to notice the sand on the road.

Of course, the question on everyone’s mind is: Why???

As it turns out, a Whatsapp conversation between the man and his friend was leaked to several Whatsapp groups. The friend confirmed his identity from the video and asked for the reasoning behind his action. According to the guy, his children had nearly been run over by fast riding motorcyclists. His friend’s answer: “Seriously? Were your kids playing in the middle of the road?

Source: The Vocket

Netizens were upset that the man was taking such drastic actions as this could lead to fatal accidents. Several observed that he was in fact, taking his anger out on motorcyclists in general instead of the ones responsible.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

They were quick to track the man down and discovered he’s the owner of a bicycle shop. One comment even joked that he poured the sand to get more business.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

Although the man’s anger is understandable, taking it out on others is not the wisest thing to do. Especially when it potentially could injure or kill someone. Hopefully he reflects on his actions and thinks hard about the consequences of his actions before he acts next time.

Source: The Vocket, Facebook

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