Did Dr. Noor Hisham Flout SOPs During Daughter’s Recent Wedding?

In case you missed it, the daughter of our Health Director-General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, Khairin Afiqah, officially got married to her beau (known as Hazim) during the past weekend.

The reception was held at the BoraOmbak Marina wedding hall in Putrajaya yesterday (Sunday, 21st March). TV personality, Ahmad Fedtri Yahya, took to his Instagram to share some photos taken after he finished hosting the lavish event.

Source: @fedtriyahya

Although the “Malaysia Hari Ini” host had clarified on his IG that only 30% of the guests were allowed to enter the hall, one particular netizen on Twitter decided to call Dr. Noor Hisham out for allegedly flouting the SOPs for the current conditional movement control order (CMCO). This came after a photo of the family circulated online.

For those who are curious, the photo shows Dr Noor Hisham and his family members standing closely to each other during a photo opp, without their face masks on. As a result, many netizens stated that as an icon, Dr Noor Hisham should set a good example for the public. One Twitter user wrote, “That is unfair. Even family needs to comply to the SOPs because DG is a national icon. This gave a negative impression to those who are getting married soon.”

Source: Twitter

In response to the allegation, Dr Noor Hisham himself responded to the internet troll by explaining that everyone in the picture were his family members as there were no outsiders present at the event. Additionally, he also clarified that they took off their masks for a while to snap some photos on the wedding dais.

At the same time, Fedtri Yahya also cleared the air on the matter by stating, “All of them (pictured in the image) are his children, in-laws and grandchildren. This was a ceremony that strictly adheres to the SOPs. Less than 100 people were invited. 90% of them were among family members.” 

Check out their statements here:

Source: Twitter

Aside from the criticisms, there were also some who came to Dr. Noor Hisham’s defence. “There are a lot of other photos that show them following the SOPs. But still, for the sake of attention, why would you even bother to highlight the rightful thing if you could spread the wrong thing. Am I right?” @lareinechika commented.

What are your thoughts about this?

The post Did Dr. Noor Hisham Flout SOPs During Daughter’s Recent Wedding? appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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