Food Delivery Rider Caught On Video Waiting In The Heavy Rain For His Customer To Show Up

Delivering food to customers during the rainy season is proven to be very challenging for food delivery riders. The chances of them running into danger are very high and netizens are not willing to take orders due to the risks they’ll go through.

However, there are many food delivery riders who would rather continue doing their job despite the risks, as it is their source of livelihood. Recently, a video was uploaded on social media showing a food delivery rider waiting outside in the rain for his customer to come out. Many netizens felt pitiful for the poor rider who was drenched in rainwater.

Source: Twitter

In the video, you can clearly see heavy rain pouring while the rider is waiting for his customer. Furthermore, he can be seen using his phone possibly trying to call his customer many times with no response at all. Additionally, the rider also looked uncomfortable the whole entire time.

The video was uploaded on TikTok and shared on Twitter with over 6,600 retweets, 5,000 likes, and  145,000 views in just 24 hours. Moreover, there are also other riders who documented similar experiences such as this case. If customers are going to call for food delivery, they need to be on the lookout for any approaching rider in front of their gate.

Netizens are disgusted with the customer’s behaviour for leaving the food delivery rider unattended:

Source: Twitter

Hopefully, the rider didn’t get sick after the heavy rain, and that the customer has a reasonable excuse as to why this all happened.

Source: Twitter.

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