The Real Identity Of This Pretty Japanese Biker Will Shock You

There’s a saying that goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” but in our technology-driven era, can we really trust photos?

A beautiful biker proved that we should not be so quick to trust uploaded photos.

Source: Twitter

Twitter account “宗谷の蒼氷” @azusagayuki showcases photos of bikes and selfies of a pretty looking Japanese woman. She currently has 15 thousand followers on her account.

Netizens were content with not knowing her identity, until a certain picture made them curious. In a motorcycle centric photo, sharp-eyed fans noticed that the rearview mirror showed an uncle taking the picture.

Source: Twitter

A variety show was then commissioned to uncover the biker’s identity. The show called her out for an interview and they met in the Ibaraki Prefecture. When the biker arrived, it wasn’t a brown-haired beauty under the helmet. Instead, an older man stood before them. “I’m Souya,” he claimed. The 50-year-old man looked nothing like the photos, save for his long hair.

He told them how he doctored the photos and even gave them a mini demonstration. Using “Faceapp” he took one of his selfies and edited his face, making it feminine and natural. “Just add the ‘smile’ effect and you’re done!” he said as he finished off the selfie. When asked why he was doing this, Souya admitted “I want to share pictures of cycling on social media, but no one wants to see the uncle“.

Source: Twitter

With his edited photos, Souya is now raking in thousands of likes. He also enjoys the attention he’s been getting of being ‘a beauty’. Even with the two pictures side by side, it really is hard to believe that it was initially a photo of 50-year-old man.

Well, for an uncle, he makes a very pretty looking girl! Watch the full video here:

Sources: Twitter, HK01, China Press

The post The Real Identity Of This Pretty Japanese Biker Will Shock You appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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