Woman Grows Beard Since Age 15 And Embraces Life With Facial Hair

Klyde Warren is a 27-year-old from Nebraska, US, who started to develop excess hair on her face since she was 15. Despite negative feedback from strangers, Klyde decided not to remove her facial hair, and says that her beard is her ‘defining feature’.

Klyde states that her beard started to grow when she was schooling and that it was thicker than normal. She also says that although her mom doesn’t like the beard and told her to get rid of it, she refused to shave it off decided to embrace it right away. She believes that although many people are highly self-conscious, it’s very important to feel comfortable in your own skin. Klyde further adds: “I just work on my confidence, it’s OK to be a little different.”

Klyde Warren
Credit: Mercury Press and Media

Klyde is a freelance writer. She easily looks after the beard by washing it once a day and trimming it occasionally. However, she admits that it affects her love life. She states that she receives so many disapproving stares from strangers. Also, people on Tinder messages her just to say that she’s ‘disgusting and gross’. Klyde says that although she feels bothered at the time, she’s quite confident about herself.

Klyde Warren
Credit: Mercury Press and Media

When it comes to dating, Klyde states that some people embrace it too much, and only consider her beard as her defining feature. However, her last boyfriend was a very supportive one and loved and accepted her beard in a healthy manner.

NHS claims that such conditions are most commonly caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. In cases like Klyde’s, however, the exact cause is unknown. This condition can be diagnosed after conducting a blood test from your GP to test hormone levels.

Klyde Warren
Credit: Mercury Press and Media

Apart from excess facial hair, the growth of thick, dark on a  chest, neck, stomach, back, buttocks, or thighs can be caused by hirsutism. This condition is not harmful at all. People with this condition can easily deal with it either by hair removal or by embracing it as Klyde does.

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