Chinese Woman In Pahang Dies After Vaccination; Cause Of Death Unknown

A 65-year-old woman started feeling unwell after receiving her Covid-19 vaccination. She was admitted to the hospital on 23rd April. However, she passed away yesterday morning (25th April).

Although the cause of her death is unconfirmed, it is believed to be related to sepsis. The specific circumstances of her death are unknown and her family members cannot determine if her death was related to the vaccination.

Source: Sinchew Daily

Ma Meilan (马美兰) was an unmarried woman who lived in Kampung Baru Sri Jaya, Pahang. She underwent an operation for a kidney transplant more than 20 years ago. According to her brother, Ma Zhaohan (马昭汉), Meilan did not have a heart disease or diabetes and she paid great attention to her health. Meilan would apparently exercise in the morning and take a walk outside her house in the evenings.

Zhaohan (62) disclosed during an interview that his sister went to Kuantan on 22nd April to be vaccinated. “My sister often goes to the Kuantan Hospital for follow-up consultations on the conditions her kidneys and liver,” he said. “After asking the doctor, he helped her register for the vaccination.” Zhaohan believes his sister is the first villager from Kampung Baru Sri Jaya to be vaccinated. Meilan only shared that she had been vaccinated after the appointment. “She was very happy at the time and told everyone that there was no pain or feeling during the injection,” Zhaohan stated.

On Friday (23rd April), Meilan reported feeling unwell. She was vomiting and complaining of a stomach ache in the early morning. Zhaohan immediately drove her to the Kuantan General Hospital where she was admitted. She was scheduled to have an operation on Saturday morning, but she fell into a coma before the operation. On 25th April at 1am, she passed away.

Source: China Press

According to the doctor, Meilan’s large intestine and small intestine were stuck together. This caused her blood pressure to be unstable. “We don’t dare to say that her death was related to the vaccine,” Zhaohan explained. “We didn’t get a detailed answer from the doctor. We only know that it is suspected to be related to sepsis.

Meilan’s body has been transported back to Kampung Baru Sri Jaya for the funeral. Her siblings have rushed home to see her one last time. According to China Press, a nephew (27) said his aunt’s funeral would be held on Tuesday (27th April) at 10am in Kuantan Christian Cemetery. Although he seldom saw his aunt as he was living in Klang with his parents, the nephew recalled his aunt being very friendly. “We are saddened by my aunt’s sudden passing,” he said. “So far, we don’t know what happened.

Source: China Press

The head of Kampung Baru Sri Jaya, Zhou Guozheng (周国政), said that while there have been rumours as Meilan died soon after being vaccinated, the real cause of death needs to be clarified. He urged everyone to stay calm and refrain from speculation to avoid panic. Zhou Guozheng also mentioned he had been receiving inquiries from the villagers and friends across the country about the cause of Meilan’s passing.

Sources: China Press, Sinchew Daily

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