Wife To KRI Nanggala-402 Victim: “I Need To Be Strong Because My Husband Was The Commander”

Hearts all over the world broke over the tragedy involving the Indonesian Navy KRI Nanggala-402 submarine, which made headlines over the past few days.

The submarine, carried up to 53 people, went missing during a live-fire exercise earlier on Wednesday (21st April) in waters north of the Bali island in Indonesia. According to local authorities, the vessel was equipped with emergency oxygen enough for 72 hours.

Source: Kosmo

One of the victims involved in the unfortunate incident was Colonel Harry Setiawan, the commander of the submarine. In speaking to the press about the news, his wife Winny Widayanti expressed, “I need to be strong because I’m the wife of the commander. If Harry’s job is to take care of his crews, my job as a wife is to calm down their wives and families.”

TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjanto told Kompas that they’ve also found fragments and items believed to be components of the submarine and also belongings of the demised victims. This include the torpedo adjuster containers, cooling pipes, orange bottles as well as prayer mats.

Source: Kosmo

The sinking of KRI Nanggala-402 is a tragedy that one wants to avoid, especially in the current difficult situation surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, it’s been reported that all the victims of navy submarine have died at a depth of 838 meters. As reported by Suara, the reporters who visited her home broke down into tears after hearing Winny’s devastating story.

According to her, she realised that the chances to see her husband to come back were very slim. Yet, she assured everyone that she needs to be strong together with family members of the victims. It’s understood that she had also visited some members of the stricken KRI Nanggala-402 in East Java. Similar with her, they are also waiting for the latest updates on the incident.

The news portal also revealed that Winny never stopped sending text messages to Harry via WhatsApp, although the messages hasn’t been answered until now. At the same time, she stated that she already knew that the situation is thin, but in such a critical moment, she only hoped that her significant other would keep his spirit up.

Yesterday (Sunday, 25th April), TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjanto broke the news that they had managed to track down the sunken KRI Nanggala-402 submarine. The navy ship has broken into three pieces and all its crew were reported to have died and is now lying in Bali sea floor.

For those curious, the crew members of the stricken naval submarine are identified as follows:

1. Heri Oktavian
2. Eko Firmanto
3. Wisnu Subiyantoro
4. Yohanes Heri
5. I Gede Kartika
6. Muhadi
7. Ady Sonata
8. Imam Adi
9. Anang Sutriatno
10. Adhi Laksmono
11. Munawir
12. Rhesa Tri
13. Rintoni
14. M Susanto
15. Ruswanto
16. Yoto Eki Setiawan
17. Ardi Ardiansyah
18. Achmad Faisal
19. Willy Ridwan Santoso
20. M Rusdiyansyah
21. Ryan Yogie Pratama
22. Dedi Hari Susilo
23. Bambang Priyanto
24. Purwanto
25. Eko Prasetiyo
26. Harmanto
27. Lutfi Anang
28. Dwi Nugroho
29. Pandu Yudha Kusuma
30. Misnari
31. Setyo Wawan
32. Hendro Purwoto
33. Guntur Ari Prasetyo
34. Diyut Subandriyo
35. Wawan Hermanto
36. Syahwi Mapala
37. Wahyu Adiyas
38. Edi Wibowo
39. Kharisma D.B
40. Nugroho Putranto
41. Khoirul Faizin
42. Maryono
43. Roni Effendi
44. Distriyan Andy P
45. Raditaka Margiansyah
46. Gunadi Fajar R
47. Denny Richi Sambudi
48. Muh Faqihudin Munir
49. Edy Siswanto
50. Harry Setyawan
51. Irfan Suri
52. Whilly
53. Suheri

Deepest condolences to family members of the deceased victims. Rest in peace.

Sources: Suara, Kompas, WSJ.

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