Selkirk Rex Kittens Are Very Different From Your Typical Cats

When we think of a chunky build and a short muzzle combined with a cute, round head, we immediately think of cats. However, in the case of Selkirk Rex cats, there’s one unique feature that makes them stand out from others, which is none other than their angelic curls.

Tony, Manny, Sosa, and Elvira are four adorable fluffy kittens from Switzerland. Their curls are so lush and beautiful that they literally belong in a shampoo advertisement. They are also known as sheep cats. The Selkirk Mountains in Montana were the inspiration behind the name of their distinctive breed. The first kitten of this kind was born in 1987, at an animal shelter.


Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Currently, these four teddy-bear like cuties are receiving the love of lots of people on social media. The heartwarming kittens have over 11k followers on Instagram who are eager to get regular updates about them.

Spotted for the first time in 1987, the Selkirk Rex cat breed is considerably new. However, thanks to their gorgeous wavy fur, they have already achieved immense popularity among people. The reason for their unique fur is a natural mutation that was initially found in a litter of kittens from a white cat and a blue tortoiseshell cat.


Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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All the Selkirk Rex kittens trace their lineage to Miss DePesto. Miss Depesto is the very first Selkirk kitten, and she named after her breeder, Jeri Newman’s stepfather. Isn’t that fascinating?

Pet Finder states that DePesto carried both the dominant curly-coat gene and the recessive long-hair gene. This was a result of both parents carrying at least one copy of the long hair gene to produce long-haired offsprings. Newman was quite surprised to know this.


Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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This unique breed was presented to the board of directors of TICA in 1990 and was eventually accepted into the New Breed and Color class. Two years later, the CFA registered the breed, Selkirk Rex, in the miscellaneous class. Selkirk Rex gained the CFA championship status in 2000. At the present, it has become one of the most loved cat breeds to have emerged recently.


Selkirk Rex Kittens
Source – gina_and_gepetto


Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
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Selkirk Rex Kittens
Source – gina_and_gepetto

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