Interview: Lee Min Ki Wants To Write More Stories About Break Ups

Lee Min Ki (이민기) in a shower scene? Which K-drama fan wouldn’t be excited for it? On the first episode that premiered on 24th March, Oh Joo In (played by NANA) and his character, Han Bi Soo, found themselves in an awkward situation while in a toilet.

Although his private parts were censored with a peach emoticon, sensitive viewers apparently weren’t happy about the nudity scene. “Oh! Master” (오! 주인님), or “Oh My Ladylord” is after all, a love comedy. Scroll down below to see what Lee Min Ki has to say about his character and what intrigues him.

Lee Min Ki

1. This is your first time working with these costars. What was your impression of one other and how has it changed since you finished filming together?

When I first met her, NANA seemed shy of strangers. But once I got to know her, she couldn’t hide her bright and cute side, she has an innocence of a child.

2. In the drama, you can only write scripts in a fixed place (your room). Where is the place you can relax the most in reality?

I feel comfortable staying at home most of the time. Maybe an open space where you can rarely see a passerby would be nice too.

3. Your character lives together with NANA’s character. What would your ideal roommate be like?

It would be a person who is well-balanced between individualism and altruism.

4. Both of you starred in romance dramas, and there are a lot of romantic K-dramas these days. How has this drama stand out for audiences?

This drama is different from others because it is a story of love in various forms of life.

5. Han Bi Soo has a peculiar OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) about cleanliness. Are you also highly particular about cleanliness or do you also have some aspect of OCD?

I wouldn’t call it an obsession. But I do like it when things are organized at the right places.

Lee Min Ki

6. Han Bi Soo is a top screenwriter, and no actors can refuse his script. As an actor yourself, what kind of script appeals to you?

There are a few writers and directors whom I’m a fan of. If they were the ones offering me the script, it would be hard for me to turn it down.

7. What message do you want to convey to the audience through this show?

I’d say that the writer’s intention is to show that time spent not loving is time spent without purpose. I think it’s a great message.

8. What attracted you to take on ‘Oh Master’? What is the appeal and charm of the story and your character?

The fact that this drama is filled with optimism and warm-heartedness attracted me to take up the role.

Lee Min Ki

9. How similar or different are you to your role? What are the most challenging things about playing Han Bi Soo?

The biggest difference is that I’m not the kind of person who can make belittling remarks to others as Bi Soo does.

10. If you are a writer, what kind of dramas do you want to write?

It depends on the phase I am in. Recently, I feel like writing stories about farewells and break ups. I’m intrigued by topics about being left behind, absence, and emptiness.

The post Interview: Lee Min Ki Wants To Write More Stories About Break Ups appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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