Namewee Calls The Government #PukimakLanciao In FB Vent

Now that the daily cases in Malaysia have been reaching almost 7000 per day, a tighter MCO is inevitable. Everyone is mentally exhausted and frustrated. Celebrities are no different, just ask Namewee (黃明志).

In lieu of the pandemic situation in Taiwan, the rapper took to his Facebook page to caution the Taiwanese people by asking them to learn from Malaysia’s mistakes.

Over these past 2 weeks, Taiwan has seen a spiralling number of infections in the community. Of course, Malaysia is having it much worse and is currently at its critical stage right now. More and more businesses are forced to shut down and people are basically in survival mode right now. Likewise, those working in the music industry can’t perform live, which for most, it’s their main source of income.

The Malaysian artist also vented how frustrating it is to see our country breaking record after record when it comes to the Covid-19 pandemic. One would assume that after more than a year into this outbreak, we’d know better by now. It’s now a vicious cycle and like many others, Namewee is also feeling helpless at the bleak situation and angry at the government.

He ended his Facebook post with the hashtags #KerajaanGagal and #PukimakLanciao.

The post Namewee Calls The Government #PukimakLanciao In FB Vent appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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