“I Want Mamee But Not Maggi”; Woman Gets Slammed For Demanding Charity List 

Many of our fellow citizens are increasingly aware of the difficulties faced by Malaysian during this pandemic. Recently, Malaysians have collectively launched the White Flag (Bendera Putih) movement to help those in need in this critical period. Many NGOs, corporate bodies and individuals extended their assistance in various forms especially in providing basic goods.

At least, with the help of the foods and basic necessities provided, it can reduce some of the burden borne by most of those affected by the series of lockdowns implemented by the government. The White Flag movement’s main objective is to ensure that none of our people are left hungry without food. However, it is quite disheartening when the movement was misused by some individuals. Nur Ain Nadyan, a café and business owner, posted a screenshot of her conversation with the individual who asked for her help in one of her Facebook posts. 

Nur Ain, who uploaded the message said she faced various individuals who contacted her asking for help, including some who had requested television, refrigerator, and even washing machines. Recently, a woman sent her a message via WhatsApp listing a bunch of groceries list of wet and dry food items that includes 3 kilograms (kg) of meat, 1 kg of large squid and a type of soy sauce brand and demanding specific brands to be provided to her.

Regarding last night’s case, my answer was simple. I have waited for 24 hours but she hasn’t replied yet,” she added, “I’m sorry, I tried to be polite. But I am also tired. Last week I’ve already sent chicken, and some wet goods.”

Source: Facebook

The 34-year-old Nur Ain told Kosmo that she volunteered to run food banks in Cheras and Kota Damansara besides distributing daily goods and necessities to those in need. 

We try to help them in stages. Despite the lack of sufficient funds, we tried to cover it through our business profits,” she further remarked, “Previously, I have also provided free bathing service for elderly patients. But it halted for a while due to my shoulder condition.  

The screenshot image of the list of items requested by the aid applicant has invited criticisms from netizens. The majority of netizens commented that the aid applicants should not take advantage of people’s kindness and to just accept whatever goods that were given to them as there are many other people who are struggling in need of real help.

Source: Twitter

Do they have no shame demanding things, it’s good enough that there are people who are willing to help,” one netizen commented on Twitter.

Beggars can’t choose. These types of people do not deserve anymore attention.” remarked an individual on Facebook.

Source: Facebook

This kind of situation what makes concerned citizen becomes reluctant and less interested to help. What do you guys think?

Sources: Kosmo!, Astro Gempak (1) (2)

The post  “I Want Mamee But Not Maggi”; Woman Gets Slammed For Demanding Charity List  appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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