Trio Spark Public Outrage When They Took Almost Everything From A Food Bank

Since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0, several food banks or food supply centers have been established as an initiative for those affected by Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of the initiative is to help those who are really in need and alleviate their burden.

Families who do not have enough money to buy food can go straight to the food bank and pick up the necessities that they need such as rice, eggs, and sardines. Many parties are working together, from the NGOs to residents’ associations to overcome the hunger hidden by some distressed families from the public eyes.

Source: Google Images

However, there are individuals who have been taking advantage of the public’s generosity by monopolizing the food supply without thinking of other people. This proved to be true when a Facebook video went viral, showing a group of selfish and greedy people who hogged the food bank at an unknown location. 

One Facebook user, Hakimy Looi uploaded a CCTV footage showing three greedy individuals putting almost all the food provided into plastic packaging. Instead of taking only what they needed from the food bank, they decided to clear almost everything available.

Source: Facebook

According to Hakimy, the selfish attitude is what influenced other concerned parties to feel reluctant to provide assistance to those in need. 

So disappointed and I am so angry. Don’t be selfish! The food bank is provided for you to take only what is necessary, not everything!” he remarked. 

The selfish action was not only condemned by Hakimy Looi, but it also garnered attention from other netizens. Some of them denounced the actions of this trio who excessively monopolized the free food provided for the needy. There are some who suggested that the food bank should be located in a more suitable location such as at the police station so that it can be monitored properly.  

Source: Facebook

The food bank initiative is good, but some people tend to take advantage of it,” one Facebook user commented.

The 1:16 minute video has been shared more than 2,000 times and has been circulated on multiple social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, and even on Youtube. 

Watch the full CCTV footage here:

Let’s take this situation as a lesson for us Malaysian, if we are really in need, take only what is necessary. The act of greed will only have a greater effect on those who have suffered hardships during this time.

Sources: The Vocket, OhMyMedia

The post Trio Spark Public Outrage When They Took Almost Everything From A Food Bank appeared first on Hype Malaysia.

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