K-Pop Fans Attack Shuib Sepahtu Over IG Live Comments

On Monday (9th August), Shuib Sepahtu went live on Instagram to share about the journey of his wife, Siti Sarah Raissuddin battling with Covid-19. Shuib also recounted the chronology of how the family was exposed to Covid-19 which led to the demise of his wife.

There were many things that he highlighted during the IG live session including precautionary messages to all Malaysians to strictly adhere to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) and to get an oximeter equipment to measure the level of oxygen in the body. The comedian also briefly addressed young Muslims not to be too obsessed with worldly entertainment.

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Please reprimand our child if they overly idolise BTS, BLACKPINK. I am sorry to say this,” Shuib remarked to netizens. Although it might seem a bit harsh, most netizens deemed that there is some truth behind Shuib’s words.

However, Shuib’s statements seemed hard to be accepted by some of the K-poppers who saw what he said during the live session. As a result, some K-pop fans on social media were unhappy with Shuib’s remarks, thinking that he had insulted their K-pop idols by highlighting specific popular groups. 

Source: TikTok

Netizens mostly expressed their displeasure with the attitude of certain K-pop fans who responded harshly to Shuib’s statements. Some of the netizens even criticised certain fans who are so obsessed with their idols that they could not accept criticism from others.

I have been a K-pop fan since 2009 but I don’t defend them that hard. Usually that’s the kind of behaviour you would find in a new K-pop fan. What Shuib said makes sense,” commented one Twitter user.

The clear misunderstanding by the K-pop fans also prompted Ustaz Ad-Dien, who is an influential social media figure to make a statement.Based on Shuib’s advice yesterday (Monday 9th August), I have stated about this before. It’s okay to have an interest, but do it in moderation. If you get heated by people’s advice then it’s no longer a mere interest, that’s an obsession,” he remarked.

Source: Twitter

Source: Twitter

Shuib’s messages are clearly based on the tragic event that he experienced and maybe we all should take his advice with an open mind. We should focus more on staying safe against Covid-19 rather than arguing over petty stuff.

Sources: Twitter, TikTok

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